Khronos Texture Software  4.3.2
Libraries and tools to create and read KTX image texture files.
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Khronos Texture Software

The KTX software consists of

  • libktx, a small library of functions for writing and reading KTX (Khronos TeXture) files, transcoding those encoded in Basis Universal format and instantiating OpenGL®, OpenGL ES™️ and Vulkan® textures from them.
  • The unified KTX tools fronted by ktx for creating KTX files from PNG or EXR files, validating, encoding and transcoding KTX files, extracting images from them and more.
  • Legacy tools including toktx for creating KTX files from PNG or Netpbm format images.

For information about the KTX format see the KTX Registry where you can find the formal specifications and helpful tools for implementers.

The software is open source software. See LICENSE file for the KhronosGroup/KTX-Software project for details.

Note on Navigating the Documentation

This GUI provides a unified way to access the four separate KTX document projects. Due to lack of support in Doxygen for navigating such a collection, there are some rough edges including, but not limited, to:

  • The tab ordering changes. A varying number of tabs related to the currently open project are displayed on the left. Tabs for accessing other projects follow to the right.
  • In the left pane treeview the entries for accessing other projects have the same indentation under the project's title as all the current project's pages.

This page last modified $Date: Wed Jul 5 20:41:13 2023 +0900 $