WebIDL for the binding
interface ktxOrientation {
readonly attribute OrientationX x;
readonly attribute OrientationY y;
readonly attribute OrientationZ z;
interface ktxUploadResult {
readonly attribute WebGLTexture texture;
readonly attribute GLenum target;
readonly attribute GLenum error;
interface ktxTexture {
void ktxTexture(ArrayBufferView fileData);
UploadResult glUpload();
ErrorCode transcodeBasis();
readonly attribute long baseWidth;
readonly attribute long baseHeight;
readonly attribute bool isPremultiplied;
readonly attribute bool needsTranscoding;
readonly attribute long numComponents;
readonly attribute long vkFormat;
readonly attribute SupercmpScheme supercompressionScheme;
readonly attribute ktxOrientation orientation;
enum ErrorCode = {
// Some targets may not be available depending on options used when compiling
// the web assembly. ktxTexture.transcodeBasis will report this.
enum TranscodeTarget = {
"BC7_M6_RGB", // Deprecated. Use BC7_RGBA.
"BC7_M5_RGBA", // Deprecated. Use BC7_RGBA.
enum TranscodeFlagBits {
enum OrientationX {
enum OrientationY {
enum OrientationZ {
enum SupercmpScheme {
How to use
Put libktx.js and libktx.wasm in a directory on your server. Create a script tag with libktx.js as the src
as shown below, changing the path as necessary for the relative locations of your .html file and the script source. libktx.js will automatically load msc_basis_transcoder.wasm.
Create an instance of the LIBKTX module
Add this to the .html file to initialize the libktx module and make it available on the main window.
<script src="libktx.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
LIBKTX({preinitializedWebGLContext: gl}).then(module => {
window.LIBKTX = module;
// Make existing WebGL context current for Emscripten OpenGL.
LIBKTX.GL.makeContextCurrent(LIBKTX.GL.createContext(null, { majorVersion: 2.0 }));
texture = loadTexture(gl, 'ktx_app.ktx2');
After the module is initialized, invoke code that will directly or indirectly cause a function like the following to be executed.
loadTexture function
// Set up an XHR to fetch the url into an ArrayBuffer.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url);
xhr.responseType = "arrayBuffer";
xhr.onload = function() {
const { ktxTexture, TranscodeTarget, OrientationX, OrientationY } = LIBKTX;
// this.response is a generic binary buffer which
// we can interpret as Uint8Array.
var ktxdata = new Uint8Array(this.response);
ktexture = new ktxTexture(ktxdata);
if (ktexture.needsTranscoding) {
var formatString;
var format;
if (astcSupported) {
formatString = 'ASTC';
format = TranscodeTarget.ASTC_4x4_RGBA;
} else if (dxtSupported) {
formatString = 'BC1 or BC3';
format = TranscodeTarget.BC1_OR_3;
} else if (pvrtcSupported) {
formatString = 'PVRTC1';
format = TranscodeTarget.PVRTC1_4_RGBA;
} else if (etcSupported) {
formatString = 'ETC';
format = TranscodeTarget.ETC;
} else {
formatString = 'RGBA4444';
format = TranscodeTarget.RGBA4444;
if (ktexture.transcodeBasis(format, 0) != LIBKTX.ErrorCode.SUCCESS) {
alert('Texture transcode failed. See console for details.');
return undefined;
// If there is no global variable "texture".
//const {texture, target, error} = ktexture.glUpload();
// If there is a globla variable "texture"
const result = ktexture.glUpload();
const {target, error} = result;
texture = result.texture;
if (error != gl.NO_ERROR) {
alert('WebGL error when uploading texture, code = ' + error.toString(16));
return undefined;
if (texture === undefined) {
alert('Texture upload failed. See console for details.');
return undefined;
if (target != gl.TEXTURE_2D) {
alert('Loaded texture is not a TEXTURE2D.');
return undefined;
gl.bindTexture(target, texture);
// If using a placeholder texture during loading, delete
// it now.
if (ktexture.numLevels > 1 || ktexture.generateMipmaps)
// Enable bilinear mipmapping.
gl.texParameteri(target, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
gl.texParameteri(target, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
if (ktexture.orientation.x == OrientationX.LEFT) {
// Adjust u coords, e.g. by setting up a uv transform
if (ktexture.orientation.y == OrientationY.DOWN) {
// Adjust v coords, e.g. by setting up a uv transform
- Note
- It is not clear if glUpload can be used with, e.g. THREE.js. It may be necessary to expose the ktxTexture_IterateLevelFaces or ktxTexture_IterateLoadLevelFaces API to JS with those calling a callback in JS to upload each image to WebGL.