KTX Tools Reference 4.3.2
Libraries and tools to create and read KTX image texture files.
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ktx validate

Validate a KTX2 file.


ktx validate [option...] input-file


ktx validate validates the Khronos texture format version 2 (KTX2) file specified as the input-file argument. It prints any found errors and warnings to stdout. If the input-file is '-' the file will be read from the stdin.

The validation rules and checks are based on the official specification: KTX File Format Specification - https://registry.khronos.org/KTX/specs/2.0/ktxspec.v2.html

The JSON output formats conform to the https://schema.khronos.org/ktx/validate_v0.json schema.

ktx validate prints using UTF-8 encoding. If your console is not set for UTF-8 you will see incorrect characters in output of the file identifier on each side of the "KTX nn".

The following options are available:

--format text | json | mini-json
Specifies the report output format. Possible options are:
text - Human readable text based format.
json - Formatted JSON.
mini-json - Minified JSON.
The default format is text.

-g, --gltf-basisu
Check compatibility with KHR_texture_basisu glTF extension.
-e, --warnings-as-errors
Treat warnings as errors.

-h, --help
Print this usage message and exit.
-v, --version
Print the version number of this program and exit.


  • 0 - Success
  • 1 - Command line error
  • 2 - IO failure
  • 3 - Invalid input file
  • 4 - Runtime or library error
  • 5 - Not supported state or operation
  • 6 - Requested feature is not yet implemented


Version 4.0
  • Initial version


  • Mátyás Császár [Vader], RasterGrid www.rastergrid.com
  • Daniel Rákos, RasterGrid www.rastergrid.com