KTX Tools Reference 4.3.2
Libraries and tools to create and read KTX image texture files.
No Matches

Create a KTX file from JPEG, PNG or netpbm format files.


toktx [options] outfile [infile.{jpg,png,pam,pgm,ppm} ...]


Create a Khronos format texture file (KTX) from a set of JPEG (.jpg), PNG (.png) or Netpbm format (.pam, .pgm, .ppm) images. It writes the destination ktx file to outfile, creating parent directories and appending ".ktx{,2}" if necessary. If outfile is '-' the output will be written to stdout.

toktx reads each named infile. which must be in .jpg, .png, .pam, .ppm or .pgm format. infiles prefixed with '@' are read as text files listing actual file names to process with one file path per line. Paths must be absolute or relative to the current directory when toktx is run. If '@@' is used instead, paths must be absolute or relative to the location of the list file. File paths must be encoded in UTF-8.

The target texture type (number of components in the output texture) is chosen via --target_type. Swizzling of the components of the input file is specified with --input_swizzle and swizzzle metadata can be specified with --swizzle. Defaults, shown in the following table, are based on the components of the input file and whether the target texture format is uncompressed or block-compressed including the universal formats. Input components are arbitrarily labeled r, g, b & a.

Uncompressed Formats Block-compressed formats
Input components 1 (greyscale) 2 (greyscale alpha) 3 4 1 2 3 4
Input swizzle - - - - rrr1 rrrg - -
Swizzle rrr1 rrrg - - - - - -

As can be seen from the table one- and two-component inputs are treated as luminance{,-alpha} in accordance with the JPEG and PNG specifications. For consistency Netpbm inputs are handled the same way. Use of R & RG types for uncompressed formats saves space but note that the sRGB versions of these formats are not widely supported so a warning will be issued prompting you to convert the input to linear.

The primaries, transfer function (OETF) and the texture's sRGB-ness is set based on the input file unless --assign_oetf linear or --assign_oetf srgb is specified. For .jpg files toktx always sets BT709/sRGB primaries and the sRGB OETF in the output file and creates sRGB format textures. Netpbm files always use BT.709/sRGB primaries and the BT.709 OETF. toktx tranforms these images to the sRGB OETF, sets BT709/sRGB primaries and the sRGB OETF in the output file and creates sRGB format textures.

For .png files the OETF is set as follows:

No color-info chunks or sRGB chunk present:
primaries are set to BT.709 and OETF to sRGB.
sRGB chunk present:
primaries are set to BT.709 and OETF to sRGB. gAMA and cHRM chunks are ignored.
iCCP chunk present:
General ICC profiles are not yet supported by toktx or the KTX2 format. In future these images may be transformed to linear or sRGB OETF as appropriate for the profile. sRGB chunk must not be present.
gAMA and/or cHRM chunks present without sRGB or iCCP:
If gAMA is < 60000 the image is transformed to and the OETF is set to sRGB. otherwise the image is transformed to and the OETF is set to linear. The color primaries in cHRM are matched to one of the standard sets listed in the Khronos Data Format Specification (the KHR_DF_PRIMARIES values from khr_df.h) and the primaries field of the output file's DFD is set to the matched value. If no match is found the primaries field is set to UNSPECIFIED.

The following options are always available:

If the image height is 1, by default a KTX file for a 1D texture is created. With this option one for a 2D texture is created instead.
Causes the KTX file to be marked to request generation of a mipmap pyramid when the file is loaded. This option is mutually exclusive with --genmipmap, --levels and --mipmap.
KTX file is for a cubemap. At least 6 infiles must be provided, more if --mipmap or --layers is also specified. Provide the images in the order +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z where the arrangement is a left-handed coordinate system with +Y up. So if you're facing +Z, -X will be on your left and +X on your right. If --layers > 1 is specified, provide the faces for layer 0 first then for layer 1, etc. Images must have an upper left origin so –lower_left_maps_to_s0t0 is ignored with this option.
--depth <number>
KTX file is for a 3D texture with a depth of number where number > 0. Provide the file(s) for z=0 first then those for z=1, etc. It is an error to specify this together with --layers or --cubemap.
Causes mipmaps to be generated for each input file. This option is mutually exclusive with --automipmap and --mipmap. When set, the following mipmap-generation related options become valid, otherwise they are ignored.
--filter <name>
Specifies the filter to use when generating the mipmaps. name is a string. The default is lanczos4. The following names are recognized: box, tent, bell, b-spline, mitchell, lanczos3, lanczos4, lanczos6, lanczos12, blackman, kaiser, gaussian, catmullrom, quadratic_interp, quadratic_approx and quadratic_mix.
--fscale <floatVal>
The filter scale to use. The default is 1.0.
--wmode <mode>
Specify how to sample pixels near the image boundaries. Values are wrap, reflect and clamp. The default is clamp.
--layers <number>
KTX file is for an array texture with number of layers where number > 0. Provide the file(s) for layer 0 first then those for layer 1, etc. It is an error to specify this together with --depth.
--levels <number>
KTX file is for a mipmap pyramid with number of levels rather than a full pyramid. number must be > 1 and <= the maximum number of levels determined from the size of the base level image. Provide the base level image first, if using --mipmap. This option is mutually exclusive with --automipmap.
KTX file is for a mipmap pyramid with one infile being explicitly provided for each level. Provide the images in the order of layer then face or depth slice then level with the base-level image first then in order down to the 1x1 image or the level specified by --levels.
This ordering differs from that in the created texture as it is felt to be more user-friendly.
This option is mutually exclusive with --automipmap and --genmipmap.
Do not write KTXorientation metadata into the output file. Metadata is written by default. Use of this option is not recommended.
Silence warnings which are issued when certain transformations are performed on input images.
Map the logical upper left corner of the image to s0,t0. Although opposite to the OpenGL convention, this is the DEFAULT BEHAVIOUR. netpbm and PNG files have an upper left origin so this option does not flip the input images. When this option is in effect, toktx writes a KTXorientation value of S=r,T=d into the output file to inform loaders of the logical orientation. If an OpenGL {,ES} loader ignores the orientation value, the image will appear upside down.
Map the logical lower left corner of the image to s0,t0. This causes the input netpbm and PNG images to be flipped vertically to a lower-left origin. When this option is in effect, toktx writes a KTXorientation value of S=r,T=u into the output file to inform loaders of the logical orientation. If a Vulkan loader ignores the orientation value, the image will appear upside down. This option is ignored with --cubemap.
--assign_oetf <linear|srgb>
Force the created texture to have the specified transfer function. If this is specified, implicit or explicit color space information from the input file(s) will be ignored and no color transformation will be performed. USE WITH CAUTION preferably only when you know the file format information is wrong.
--assign_primaries <bt709|none|srgb>
Force the created texture to have the specified primaries. If this is specified, implicit or explicit color space information from the input file(s) will be ignored and no color transformation will be performed. USE WITH CAUTION preferably only when you know the file format information is wrong.
--convert_oetf <linear|srgb>
Convert the input images to the specified transfer function, if the current transfer function is different. If both this and --assign_oetf are specified, conversion will be performed from the assigned transfer function to the transfer function specified by this option, if different.
--convert_primaries <primaries>
Convert the image images to the specified color primaries, if different from the color primaries of the input file(s) or the one specified by –assign-primaries. If both this and –assign-primaries are specified, conversion will be performed from the assigned primaries to the primaries specified by this option, if different. This option is not allowed to be specified when –assign-primaries is set to 'none'. Case insensitive. Possible options are: bt709 | srgb | bt601-ebu | bt601-smpte | bt2020 | ciexyz | aces | acescc | ntsc1953 | pal525 | displayp3 | adobergb
Deprecated. Use --assign_oetf linear.
Deprecated. Use --assign_oetf srgb.
--resize <width>x<height>
Resize images to width X height. This should not be used with --mipmap as it would resize all the images to the same size. Resampler options can be set via --filter and --fscale.
--scale <value>
Scale images by value as they are read. Resampler options can be set via --filter and --fscale. .
--swizzle <swizzle>
Add swizzle metadata to the file being created. swizzle has the same syntax as the parameter for --input_swizzle. Not recommended for use with block-cmpressed textures, including Basis Universal formats, because something like rabb may yield drastically different error metrics if done after compression.
--target_type <type>
Specify the number of components in the created texture. type is one of the following strings: R, RG, RGB or RGBA. Excess input components will be dropped. Output components with no mapping from the input will be set to 0 or, if the alpha component, 1.0.
Output in KTX2 format. Default is KTX.

--encode <astc | etc1s | uastc>
Compress the image data to ASTC, transcodable ETC1S / BasisLZ or high-quality transcodable UASTC format. Implies --t2. With each encoding option the following encoder specific options become valid, otherwise they are ignored.
Create a texture in high-quality ASTC format.
--astc_blk_d <XxY | XxYxZ>
Specify which block dimension to use for compressing the textures. e.g. --astc_blk_d 6x5 for 2D or --astc_blk_d 6x6x6 for 3D. 6x6 is the default for 2D.
Supported 2D block dimensions are:
4x4 8.00 bpp
5x4 6.40 bpp
5x5 5.12 bpp
6x5 4.27 bpp
6x6 3.56 bpp
8x5 3.20 bpp
8x6 2.67 bpp
10x5 2.56 bpp
10x6 2.13 bpp
8x8 2.00 bpp
10x8 1.60 bpp
10x10 1.28 bpp
12x10 1.07 bpp
12x12 0.89 bpp
Supported 3D block dimensions are:
3x3x3 4.74 bpp
4x3x3 3.56 bpp
4x4x3 2.67 bpp
4x4x4 2.00 bpp
5x4x4 1.60 bpp
5x5x4 1.28 bpp
5x5x5 1.02 bpp
6x5x5 0.85 bpp
6x6x5 0.71 bpp
6x6x6 0.59 bpp
--astc_mode <ldr | hdr>
Specify which encoding mode to use. LDR is the default unless the input image is 16-bit in which case the default is HDR.
--astc_quality <level>
The quality level configures the quality-performance tradeoff for the compressor; more complete searches of the search space improve image quality at the expense of compression time. Default is 'medium'. The quality level can be set between fastest (0) and exhaustive (100) via the following fixed quality presets:
Level Quality
fastest (equivalent to quality = 0)
fast (equivalent to quality = 10)
medium (equivalent to quality = 60)
thorough (equivalent to quality = 98)
exhaustive (equivalent to quality = 100)
The codec should optimize for perceptual error, instead of direct RMS error. This aims to improve perceived image quality, but typically lowers the measured PSNR score. Perceptual methods are currently only available for normal maps and RGB color data.
Supercompress the image data with ETC1S / BasisLZ. RED images will become RGB with RED in each component. RG images will have R in the RGB part and G in the alpha part of the compressed texture. When set, the following BasisLZ-related options become valid, otherwise they are ignored.
Disable multithreading. Deprecated. For backward compatibility. Use --threads 1 instead.
--clevel <level>
ETC1S / BasisLZ compression level, an encoding speed vs. quality tradeoff. Range is [0,5], default is 1. Higher values are slower but give higher quality.
--qlevel <level>

ETC1S / BasisLZ quality level. Range is [1,255]. Lower gives better compression/lower quality/faster. Higher gives less compression/higher quality/slower. --qlevel automatically determines values for --max_endpoints, --max-selectors, --endpoint_rdo_threshold and --selector_rdo_threshold for the target quality level. Setting these options overrides the values determined by -qlevel which defaults to 128 if neither it nor both of --max_endpoints and --max_selectors have been set.

Note that both of --max_endpoints and --max_selectors must be set for them to have any effect. If all three options are set, a warning will be issued that --qlevel will be ignored.

Note also that --qlevel will only determine values for --endpoint_rdo_threshold and --selector_rdo_threshold when its value exceeds 128, otherwise their defaults will be used.

--max_endpoints <arg>
Manually set the maximum number of color endpoint clusters. Range is [1,16128]. Default is 0, unset.
--endpoint_rdo_threshold <arg>
Set endpoint RDO quality threshold. The default is 1.25. Lower is higher quality but less quality per output bit (try [1.0,3.0]). This will override the value chosen by --qlevel.
--max_selectors <arg>
Manually set the maximum number of color selector clusters from [1,16128]. Default is 0, unset.
--selector_rdo_threshold <arg>
Set selector RDO quality threshold. The default is 1.25. Lower is higher quality but less quality per output bit (try [1.0,3.0]). This will override the value chosen by --qlevel.
Disable endpoint rate distortion optimizations. Slightly faster, less noisy output, but lower quality per output bit. Default is to do endpoint RDO.
Disable selector rate distortion optimizations. Slightly faster, less noisy output, but lower quality per output bit. Default is to do selector RDO.
Create a texture in high-quality transcodable UASTC format.
--uastc_quality <level>

This optional parameter selects a speed vs quality tradeoff as shown in the following table:

Level Speed Quality
0 Fastest 43.45dB
1 Faster 46.49dB
2 Default 47.47dB
3 Slower 48.01dB
4 Very slow 48.24dB

You are strongly encouraged to also specify --zcmp to losslessly compress the UASTC data. This and any LZ-style compression can be made more effective by conditioning the UASTC texture data using the Rate Distortion Optimization (RDO) post-process stage. When uastc encoding is set the following options become available for controlling RDO:

--uastc_rdo_l [<lambda>]

Enable UASTC RDO post-processing and optionally set UASTC RDO quality scalar (lambda) to lambda. Lower values yield higher quality/larger LZ compressed files, higher values yield lower quality/smaller LZ compressed files. A good range to try is [.25,10]. For normal maps a good range is [.25,.75]. The full range is [.001,10.0]. Default is 1.0.

Note that previous versions used the --uastc_rdo_q option which was removed because the RDO algorithm changed.

--uastc_rdo_d <dictsize>
Set UASTC RDO dictionary size in bytes. Default is 4096. Lower values=faster, but give less compression. Range is [64,65536].
--uastc_rdo_b <scale>
Set UASTC RDO max smooth block error scale. Range is [1.0,300.0]. Default is 10.0, 1.0 is disabled. Larger values suppress more artifacts (and allocate more bits) on smooth blocks.
--uastc_rdo_s <deviation>
Set UASTC RDO max smooth block standard deviation. Range is [.01,65536.0]. Default is 18.0. Larger values expand the range of blocks considered smooth.
Do not favor simpler UASTC modes in RDO mode.
Disable RDO multithreading (slightly higher compression, deterministic).
--input_swizzle <swizzle>
Swizzle the input components according to swizzle which is an alhpanumeric sequence matching the regular expression ^[rgba01]{4}$.

Only valid for linear textures with two or more components. If the input texture has three or four linear components it is assumed to be a three component linear normal map storing unit length normals as (R=X, G=Y, B=Z). A fourth component will be ignored. The map will be converted to a two component X+Y normal map stored as (RGB=X, A=Y) prior to encoding. If unsure that your normals are unit length, use --normalize. If the input has 2 linear components it is assumed to be an X+Y map of unit normals.

The Z component can be recovered programmatically in shader code by using the equations:

    nml.xy = texture(...).ga;              // Load in [0,1]
    nml.xy = nml.xy * 2.0 - 1.0;           // Unpack to [-1,1]
    nml.z = sqrt(1 - dot(nml.xy, nml.xy)); // Compute Z

For ASTC encoding, '--encode astc', encoder parameters are tuned for better quality on normal maps. For ETC1S encoding, '--encode etc1s', RDO is disabled (no selector RDO, no endpoint RDO) to provide better quality.

In toktx you can prevent conversion of the normal map to two components by specifying '--input_swizzle rgb1'.

Normalize input normals to have a unit length. Only valid for linear textures with 2 or more components. For 2-component inputs 2D unit normals are calculated. Do not use these 2D unit normals to generate X+Y normals for –normal_mode. For 4-component inputs a 3D unit normal is calculated. 1.0 is used for the value of the 4th component.
Forbid use of the SSE instruction set. Ignored if CPU does not support SSE. Only the Basis Universal compressor uses SSE.
Deprecated. Use '--encode etc1s' instead.
--uastc [<level>]
Deprecated. Use '--encode uastc' instead.
--zcmp [<compressionLevel>]
Supercompress the data with Zstandard. Implies --t2. Can be used with data in any format except ETC1S / BasisLZ. Most effective with RDO-conditioned UASTC or uncompressed formats. The optional compressionLevel range is 1 - 22 and the default is 3. Lower values=faster but give less compression. Values above 20 should be used with caution as they require more memory.
--threads <count>
Explicitly set the number of threads to use during compression. By default, ETC1S / BasisLZ and ASTC compression will use the number of threads reported by thread::hardware_concurrency or 1 if value returned is 0.
Print encoder/compressor activity status to stdout. Currently only the astc, etc1s and uastc encoders emit status.

-h, --help
Print this usage message and exit.
-v, --version
Print the version number of this program and exit.
In case of ambiguity, such as when the last option is one with an optional parameter, separate options from file names with " -- ".Any specified ASTC, ETC1S / BasisLZ, UASTC and supercompression options are recorded in the metadata item KTXwriterScParams in the output file.

Options can also be set in the environment variable TOKTX_OPTIONS. TOKTX_OPTIONS is parsed first. If conflicting options appear in TOKTX_OPTIONS or the command line, the last one seen wins. However if both --automipmap and --mipmap are seen, it is always flagged as an error. You can, for example, set TOKTX_OPTIONS=–lower_left_maps_to_s0t0 to change the default mapping of the logical image origin to match the GL convention.


toktx exits 0 on success, 1 on command line errors and 2 on functional errors.


Version 4.0 (using new version numbering system)
  • Add KTX version 2 support including Basis Universal encoding.
  • Add .png and .jpg readers.
  • Transform NetPBM input files to sRGB OETF.
  • Add mipmap generation.
  • Remove legacy items.
Version 1.3
  • Switch to ktxTexture API.
  • Add –levels option.
  • Add –2d option.
Version 1.2
  • Remove –sized; always create sized format.
  • Write metadata by default.
  • Bug fixes.
Version 1.1
  • Moved –alpha and –luminance to legacy.


Mark Callow, Edgewise Consulting www.edgewise-consulting.com