Name Strings
See Issues list in the Khronos SPIRV-Registry repository:
Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
Christoph Kubisch, NVIDIA
Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
John Kessenich, Google
Sahil Parmar, NVIDIA
Patrick Mours, NVIDIA
Slawomir Grajewski, Intel
Timur Kristóf, Valve
Pankaj Mistry, NVIDIA
Last Modified Date |
2022-09-16 |
Revision |
7 |
This extension is written against the SPIR-V Specification, Version 1.5 Revision 5.
This extension requires SPIR-V 1.4.
This extension interacts with SPV_EXT_viewport_array2.
This extension interacts with SPV_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer.
This extension interacts with SPV_KHR_fragment_shading_rate.
This extension interacts with SPV_KHR_multiview.
This extension interacts with SPIR-V 1.2 (LocalSizeId).
This extension interacts with SPIR-V 1.3 and SPV_KHR_shader_draw_parameters (DrawIndex).
This extension adds new functionality to support the Vulkan VK_EXT_mesh_shader extension in SPIR-V. It adds two new programmable shader types, task and mesh shaders, which are used instead of the standard programmable vertex processing pipeline. Both new shader types have execution environments similar to that of compute shaders.
Extension Name
To use this extension within a SPIR-V module, the following OpExtension must be present in the module:
OpExtension "SPV_EXT_mesh_shader"
New Execution Models
This extension introduces new execution models:
New Capabilities
This extension introduces a new capability:
New Execution Modes
Execution Modes added under the MeshShadingEXT capability:
OutputLinesEXT OutputTrianglesEXT OutputPrimitivesEXT
New Storage Classes
Storage Classes added under the MeshShadingEXT capability:
New Decorations
Decorations added under the MeshShadingEXT capability:
New BuiltIns
BuiltIns added under the MeshShadingEXT capability:
PrimitivePointIndicesEXT PrimitiveLineIndicesEXT PrimitiveTriangleIndicesEXT CullPrimitiveEXT
New Instructions
Instructions added under the MeshShadingEXT capability:
OpEmitMeshTasksEXT OpSetMeshOutputsEXT
Modifications to the SPIR-V Specification
- (Modify Section 2.2.5, Control Flow)
Add OpEmitMeshTasksEXT to the list of Termination Instructions.
- (Modify Section 2.16.1, Universal Validation Rules)
OpSetMeshOutputsEXT must be called before any variable from Output storage class is written to. Behavior is undefined if any invocation executes this instruction more than once or under non-uniform control flow. The arguments for the instruction is taken from first invocation in each workgroup.
OpEmitMeshTasksEXT must be the last instruction in a block. Only instructions executed before OpEmitMeshTasksEXT have observable side effects. Behavior is undefined if any invocation terminates without executing this instruction, or if any invocation executes this instruction in non-uniform control flow. The arguments for the instruction is taken from first invocation in each workgroup.
Update Atomic access rule
Add Storage Class TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT to the list of storage classes where pointers taken by atomic operation instructions can point to.
- (Modify Section 2.16.2, Validation Rules for Shader Capabilities)
- (Add new items under "Entry point and execution model")
Each OpEntryPoint with the MeshEXT Execution Model must have an OpExecutionMode with exactly one of OutputPoints, OutputLinesEXT, or OutputTrianglesEXT Execution Modes.
Each OpEntryPoint with the MeshEXT Execution Model must specify both the OutputPrimitivesEXT and OutputVertices Execution Modes.
Each OpEntryPoint with the MeshEXT or TaskEXT Execution Models can have at most one global OpVariable of storage class TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT.
OpSetMeshOutputsEXT is only valid in MeshEXT execution model.
OpEmitMeshTasksEXT is only valid in TaskEXT Execution model.
- (Add new items under "Decorations")
The PerPrimitiveEXT decoration must be applied only to variables in the Output Storage Class in the MeshEXT Execution Model or variables in the Input Storage Class in the Fragment Execution Model.
- (Modify Section 3.3, Execution Model, adding rows to the Execution Model table)
Execution Model Enabling Capabilities 5364
Task shading stage.MeshShadingEXT
Mesh shading stage.MeshShadingEXT
- (Modify Section 3.6, Execution Mode, adding rows to the Execution Mode table)
Execution Mode Enabling Capabilities Extra Operands 5269
Stage output primitive is lines. Only valid with the MeshEXT Execution Model.MeshShadingEXT
Stage output primitive is triangles. Only valid with the MeshEXT Execution Model.MeshShadingEXT
For the mesh stage, the maximum number of primitives the shader will ever emit for the invocation group. Only valid with the MeshEXT Execution Model.MeshShadingEXT
Literal Number
Primitive count - (Modify the definition of following Execution Modes, allowing them to be used in TaskEXT or MeshEXT Execution Models)
Execution Mode Enabling Capabilities Extra Operands 17
Indicates the workgroup size in the x, y, and z dimensions. Only valid with the GLCompute, TaskEXT, MeshEXT or Kernel Execution Models.Literal Number
x sizeLiteral Number
y sizeLiteral Number
z size26
Only valid with the Geometry, TessellationControl, TessellationEvaluation, or MeshEXT Execution Models.Literal Number
Vertex countFor a geometry stage, the maximum number of vertices the shader will ever emit in a single invocation.
For a tessellation-control stage, the number of vertices in the output patch produced by the tessellation control shader, which also specifies the number of times the tessellation control shader is invoked.
For a mesh stage, the maximum number of vertices the shader will ever emit for the invocation group.
Stage output primitive is points. Only valid with the Geometry and MeshEXT Execution Models.Geometry, MeshShadingEXT
Same as LocalSize, but using <id> operands instead of literals. Only valid with the GLCompute, TaskEXT, MeshEXT or Kernel Execution Models.Missing before version 1.2.
x size<id>
y size<id>
z size - (Modify Section 3.7, Storage Class, adding a new row to the Storage Class table)
Storage Class Enabling Capabilities 5402
Used for storing payload data associated with a task shader invocation group. Shared across all invocations within a workgroup. Visible across all functions. Only valid with the TaskEXT and MeshEXT Execution Models. Variables declared with this storage class must not have initializers, can be both read and written to in TaskEXT Execution Model, but are read-only in MeshEXT Execution Model.MeshShadingEXT
- (Modify Section 3.20, Decoration, adding a new row to the Decoration table)
Decoration Enabling Capabilities Extra Operands 5271
Must only be used on a memory object declaration or a member of a structure type. Indicates that the variable has separate instances for each primitive in the output.Only valid for variables of Input Storage Class in Fragment Execution Model and Output Storage Class in MeshEXT Execution Model.
- (Modify Section 3.21, BuiltIn, adding rows to the BuiltIn table)
BuiltIn Enabling Capabilities 5299
Primitive cull state in the MeshEXT Execution Model. See the Vulkan API specification for more detail.MeshShadingEXT
Output array of vertex index values in the MeshEXT Execution Model. See the Vulkan API specification for more detail.MeshShadingEXT
Output array of vertex index values in the MeshEXT Execution Model. See the Vulkan API specification for more detail.MeshShadingEXT
Output array of vertex index values in the MeshEXT Execution Model. See the Vulkan API specification for more detail.MeshShadingEXT
- (Modify the definition of following BuiltIns, allowing them to be used in TaskEXT or MeshEXT Execution Models)
BuiltIn Enabling Capabilities 0
Output vertex position from a vertex processing or MeshEXT Execution Model. See the client API specification for more detail.Shader
Output point size from a vertex processing or MeshEXT Execution Model. See the client API specification for more detail.Shader
Array of clip distances output from a vertex processing or MeshEXT Execution Model. See the client API specification for more detail.ClipDistance
Array of cull distances output from a vertex processing or MeshEXT Execution Model. See the client API specifications for more detail.CullDistance
See the client API specifications for more detail.Primitive ID in a Geometry Execution Model
Primitive ID in a Tessellation Execution Model
Primitive ID output in a MeshEXT Execution Model
Layer selection for multi-layer framebuffer. See the client API specification for more detail.Layer output by a Geometry Execution Model, input to a Fragment Execution Model.
Layer output by a Vertex or Tessellation Execution Model.
Layer output by a MeshEXT Execution Model.
ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT, MeshShadingEXT
Viewport selection for viewport transformation when using multiple viewports. See the client API specification for more detail.Viewport index output by a Geometry Execution Model, input to a Fragment Execution Model.
Viewport index output by a Vertex or Tessellation Execution Model.
Viewport index output by a MeshEXT Execution Model
ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT, MeshShadingEXT
Number of workgroups in GLCompute, TaskEXT, MeshEXT or Kernel Execution Models. See the client API specifications for more detail.25
Workgroup size in GLCompute, TaskEXT, MeshEXT or Kernel Execution Models. See the client API specifications for more detail.26
Workgroup ID in GLCompute, TaskEXT, MeshEXT or Kernel Execution Models. See the client API API specifications for more detail.27
Local invocation ID in GLCompute, TaskEXT, MeshEXT or Kernel Execution Models. See the client API API specifications for more detail.28
Global invocation ID in GLCompute, TaskEXT, MeshEXT or Kernel Execution Models. See the client API API specifications for more detail.29
Local invocation index in GLCompute, TaskEXT or MeshEXT Execution Models. See Vulkan or OpenGL API specifications for more detail.
Workgroup Linear ID in a Kernel Execution Model. See OpenCL API specification for more detail.38
Number of subgroups in GLCompute, TaskEXT, MeshEXT or Kernel Execution Models.
See the client API specification for more detail.Kernel, GroupNonUniform
Subgroup ID in GLCompute, TaskEXT, MeshEXT or Kernel Execution Models.
See the client API specification for more detail.Kernel, GroupNonUniform
Contains the index of the draw currently being processed. Only valid in vertex processing, MeshEXT or Fragment Execution Models. See the Vulkan 1.1 or OpenGL 4.6 specifications for more details.DrawParameters
Missing before version 1.3.4432
Output primitive fragment shading rate. Only valid in the Vertex, Geometry or MeshEXT Execution Models. See the client API specification for more detail.FragmentShadingRateKHR
Input view index of the view currently being rendered to. Only valid in the vertex processing, MeshEXT or Fragment Execution Models. See the client API specification for more detail.ViewIndex
- (Modify the definition of following Memory Semantics, changing WorkgroupMemory to include the new TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT Storage Class)
Memory Semantics Enabling Capabilities 0x100
Apply the memory-ordering constraints to Workgroup or TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT Storage Class memory. - (Modify Section 3.31, Capability, adding a new row to the Capability table)
Capability Implicitly Declares 5283
Uses the TaskEXT or MeshEXT Execution Models.Shader
- (Modify Section 3.37.1, Miscellaneous Instructions, adding rows to the Miscellaneous Instructions table)
Defines the grid size of subsequent mesh shader workgroups to generate upon completion of the task shader workgroup.
Group Count X Y Z must each be a 32-bit unsigned integer value. They configure the number of local workgroups in each respective dimensions for the launch of child mesh tasks. See Vulkan API specification for more detail.
Payload is an optional pointer to the payload structure to pass to the generated mesh shader invocations. Payload must be the result of an OpVariable with a storage class of TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT.
The arguments are taken from the first invocation in each workgroup. Behaviour is undefined if any invocation terminates without executing this instruction, or if any invocation executes this instruction in non-uniform control flow.This instruction also serves as an OpControlBarrier instruction, and also performs and adheres to the description and semantics of an OpControlBarrier instruction with the Execution and Memory operands set to Workgroup and the Semantics operand set to a combination of WorkgroupMemory and AcquireRelease.
Ceases all further processing: Only instructions executed before OpEmitMeshTasksEXT have observable side effects.
This instruction must be the last instruction in a block.
This instruction is only valid in the TaskEXT Execution Model.Capability:
MeshShadingEXT4 + variable
Group Count X<id>
Group Count Y<id>
Group Count ZOptional
Sets the actual output size of the primitives and vertices that the mesh shader workgroup will emit upon completion.
Vertex Count must be a 32-bit unsigned integer value. It defines the array size of per-vertex outputs.
Primitive Count must a 32-bit unsigned integer value. It defines the array size of per-primitive outputs.
The arguments are taken from the first invocation in each workgroup. Behavior is undefined if any invocation executes this instruction more than once or under non-uniform control flow. Behavior is undefined if there is any control flow path to an output write that is not preceded by this instruction.
This instruction is only valid in the MeshEXT Execution Model.Capability:
Vertex Count<id>
Primitive Count
Validation Rules
An OpExtension must be added to the SPIR-V for validation layers to check legal use of this extension:
OpExtension "SPV_EXT_mesh_shader"
1) Can there be more then one OpVariable with storage class TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT?
Answer: OpEmitMeshTasksEXT has a optional operand "payload". There can be at most one <id> of type OpVariable with storage class TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT associated with an OpEntryPoint. This OpVariable should be a global OpVariable.
Hence for a SPIRV with single OpEntryPoint there can at most be one such OpVariable. For multiple entry points, refer to answer about issue#2.
2) For SPIRV with multiple entry points how are payloads represented?
Answer : In a multiple entry point SPIR-V each OpEntryPoint should be associated with at most one global OpVariable of storage class TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT. Thus more than one such OpVariable can be present in the SPIR-V. But only one OpVariable of type TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT is allowed as part of interface of a OpEntryPoint. To support this requirement in OpEntryPoint, SPIR-V version has to 1.4 or above.
Revision History
Rev | Date | Author | Changes |
1 |
2021-03-25 |
Christoph Kubisch |
Initial revision |
2 |
2021-08-30 |
Patrick Mours |
Add modifications to NumWorkGroups, NumSubgroups and SubgroupID |
3 |
2021-11-26 |
Patrick Mours |
Add TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT storage class and payload argument to OpEmitMeshTasksEXT |
4 |
2022-04-11 |
Pankaj Mistry |
Require SPIR-V 1.4 and add validation rules for TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT |
5 |
2022-08-31 |
Pankaj Mistry |
Added validation rules for OpSetMeshOutputsEXT and OpEmitMeshTasksEXT |
6 |
2022-09-06 |
Pankaj Mistry |
Added OpEmitMeshTasksEXT as a termination instruction and added atomic access validation rule for TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT |
7 |
2022-09-16 |
Ricardo Garcia |
Forbid more than one TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT variable in each TaskEXT entry point |