Name Strings
To report problems with this extension, please open a new issue at:
Graeme Leese, Broadcom
Ben Ashbaugh, Intel
Alan Baker, Google
David Neto, Google
Ruihao Zhang, Qualcomm
Copyright (c) 2021 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
Approved by the SPIR-V Working Group: 2023-12-06
Approved by the Khronos Board of Promoters: 2024-01-19
Last Modified Date |
2024-04-03 |
Revision |
10 |
This extension is written against the SPIR-V Specification, Version 1.6 Revision 1, Unified
This extension requires SPIR-V 1.2.
This extension interacts trivially with SPV_KHR_float_controls (which became core in SPIR-V 1.4).
This extension supersedes SPV_INTEL_fp_fast_math_mode.
This extension provides a single mechanism for specifying the floating-point environment which can be used on whole modules and individual instructions. It is designed to supersede the various existing ways of specifying different modifications to the floating-point semantics.
Extension Name
To use this extension within a SPIR-V module, the following OpExtension must be present in the module:
OpExtension "SPV_KHR_float_controls2"
Modifications to the SPIR-V Specification, Version 1.6
Universal Validation Rules
In section 2.16.1 "Universal Validation Rules" add the rules:
It is not valid for an entry point using the FPFastMathDefault execution mode to:
Use the execution modes ContractionOff or SignedZeroInfNanPreserve.
Contain any instructions decorated with NoContraction.
Contain any FP Fast Math Mode bitmask containing Fast.
It is not valid for any instruction to be decorated with both NoContraction and FPFastMathMode.
Any FP Fast Math Mode bitmask that includes the AllowTransform bit must also include the AllowContract and AllowReassoc bits.
Execution Mode
In section 3.6 "Execution Mode" add the following row to the Execution Mode table:
Execution Mode | Extra Operands | Enabling Capabilities | ||
6028 |
FPFastMathDefault |
<id> |
<id> |
FloatControls2 |
FP Fast Math Mode
In section 3.15 "FP Fast Math Mode", following "Enables fast math operations which are otherwise unsafe", add:
If an operation is decorated with FPFastMathMode then the flags from that decoration apply. Otherwise, if the current entry point sets any FPFastMathDefault execution mode then all flags specified for any operand type or for the result type of the operation apply. If the operation is not decorated with FPFastMathMode and the entry point sets no FPFastMathDefault execution modes then the flags to be applied are determined by the client API and not by SPIR-V.
This definition implies that, if the entry point set any FPFastMathDefault execution mode then any type for which a default is not set uses no fast math flags (although this can still be overridden on a per-operation basis). Modules must not mix setting fast math modes explicitly using this extension and relying on older API defaults. |
Replace the text following "Only valid on …" with:
All core instructions which use any floating-point type for either operands or result.
OpExInst extended instructions, where expressly permitted by the extended instruction set in use.
Add the text:
Expressions decorated with AllowContract, AllowReassoc, or AllowTransform may be rearranged using the appropriate mathematical properties even though this may cause a change in the floating-point results and may involve a different number of rounding steps than would otherwise occur. Where these operations are not also decorated with NotInf and NotNaN then these values must be considered in the results of the transformed expressions, but they do not change which rearrangements are valid.
For example, if the expression If the expression |
Add the following rows to the FP Fast Math Mode table:
FP Fast Math Mode | Enabling Capabilities | |
0x10000 |
AllowContract |
FloatControls2 |
0x20000 |
AllowReassoc |
FloatControls2 |
0x40000 |
AllowTransform |
FloatControls2 |
In section 3.20 "Decoration" modify row 40 of the Decoration table to add the enabling capability FloatControls2:
Decoration | Extra Operands | Enabling Capabilities | ||
40 |
FPFastMathMode |
FP Fast Math Mode |
Kernel, FloatControls2 |
In section 3.31 "Capability" add the following row to the capability table:
Capability | Implicitly Declares | |
6029 |
FloatControls2 |
Modifications to the GLSL.std.450 Extended Instruction Set
Following the introduction, add "For environments that allow use of FPFastMathMode decorations on OpExtInst instructions, FPFastMathMode decorations may be applied to any instruction which uses any floating-point type for either operands or result".
This extension deprecates the following features:
The execution modes ContractionOff and SignedZeroInfNanPreserve. Use FPFastMathDefault with the appropriate flags instead.
The decoration NoContraction. Use the FPFastMathMode decoration instead.
The FPFastMathMode mode bit Fast. Set all the other FPFastMathMode bits instead.
Enabling the FPFastMathMode decoration using the Kernel capability. All uses should declare the FloatControls2 capability.
The OpenCL.std instructions fmin_common, fmax_common. Use fmin, fmax with NInf and NNaN instead.
How does this interact with SPV_INTEL_fp_fast_math_mode?
RESOLVED: It supersedes it. This extension contains a superset of the functionality and is expected to be supported on a wider range of implementations, but applications targeting only Intel platforms can continue to use the older extension.
Which operations must be decorated with Contract or Reassoc to allow the optimisation?
RESOLVED: Only the operation consuming a value must be decorated to permit the contraction or reassociation. This is useful when mixing precise and imprecise operations (the imprecise ones are still permitted to use the faster, contracted computation). Optimisers (and consumers) must ensure that following any transformation, no operation is affected by any FastMath flag where it was not affected in the input program.
Are there any other fast-math flags that should be added here?
RESOLVED: Not at the moment. The current set covers all gcc and LLVM relaxed modes except for gcc’s sign-dependent-rounding and LLVM’s afn (approximate function). Most SPIR-V consumers do not support rounding that is sign-dependent so that flag is unlikely to be significant. It is envisaged that something like afn will be added in a future extension but the accuracy of builtin functions is outside the scope of this extension.
Revision History
Rev | Date | Author | Changes |
1 |
2021-09-15 |
Graeme Leese |
Initial KHR extension. |
2 |
2021-09-24 |
Graeme Leese |
Updated following review. |
3 |
2022-04-06 |
Graeme Leese |
Updated following review. |
4 |
2023-04-26 |
Graeme Leese |
Clarify which operations must be decorated. |
5 |
2023-05-09 |
Graeme Leese |
Resolve issues. |
6 |
2023-05-17 |
Graeme Leese |
Clarify interaction of transforms with inf/nan. |
7 |
2023-06-08 |
Graeme Leese |
Update deprecations, fix defaults to use IDs. |
8 |
2023-10-02 |
Graeme Leese |
Update required SPIR-V version, clarify deprecation of fast. |
9 |
2024-03-15 |
Graeme Leese |
Clarify rules for modules declaring no FPFastMathDefault. |
10 |
2024-04-03 |
Graeme Leese |
Fix some spellings and clarify multiple use of execution mode. |