Name Strings



To report a problem with this extension, please open a new issue at:


  • Alan Baker, Google LLC

  • David Neto, Google LLC

  • Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Corporation

  • Graeme Leese, Broadcom

  • Nicolai Hahnle, AMD

  • Ruihao Zhang, Qualcomm

  • Tobias Hector, AMD


Copyright (c) 2024 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at


  • Complete

  • Approved by the SPIR Working Group: 2023-12-06

  • Approved by the Khronos Board of Promoters: 2024-01-19


Last Modified Date





This extension is written against the SPIR-V Specification, Version 1.6 Revision 1.

This extension requires SPIR-V 1.0.


This extension adds a new execution mode MaximallyReconvergesKHR which changes the behavior of divergence and reconvergence of invocations executing affected entry points. Under maximal reconvergence, invocations that diverge must reconverge as soon as possible such that as many invocations as possible execute the same dynamic instruction instances.

Maximal reconvergence provides guarantees that match shader author intuition concerning divergence and reconvergence. Divergence and reconvergence is understandable from the control flow graph of the IR.

Extension Name

To use this extension within a SPIR-V module, the following OpExtension must be present in the module:

OpExtension "SPV_KHR_maximal_reconvergence"

Modifications to the SPIR-V Specification, Version 1.6

Add the following new terms:

Tangle: The set of invocations that execute the same dynamic instance of an instruction. The rules describing the behavior of tangles are Maximal Reconvergence.

Converged: If all invocations in a particular scope instance are part of the tangle, the tangle is said to be converged for that scope instance.

Dynamic Successor: Given a dynamic instance, A, of an instruction a, and a dynamic instance, B, of instruction b, where a differs from b, B is a dynamic successor of A if B is executed immediately after A for a given invocation. Similarly, if B is a dynamic successor of A, then A is dynamic predecessor of B.

Changes to Section 2.11 Structured Control Flow

Add the following to the end of the section:

Any function in the static call tree of an entry point annotated with the MaximallyReconvergesKHR execution mode must satisfy the following requirements:

  • The only Basic Blocks that may have multiple unique predecessors are:

    • Any Basic Block containing an OpLoopMerge instruction

    • Any declared Merge Block

    • Any declared Continue Target

    • Any Target or Default of an OpSwitch instruction

Changes to Section 3 Binary Form

Add the following row to the table in Section 3.6 Execution Mode:

Execution Mode Extra Operands Enabling Capabilities


Invocations in the entry point will obey the rules in Maximal Reconvergence.


Modify the description of OpBranchConditional:


Starting with version 1.6, True Label and False Label must not be the same <id>.


Starting with version 1.6, or in any function reachable from an entry point with the execution mode MaximallyReconvergesKHR, True Label and False Label must not be the same <id>.

Add a new section to the end of Section 2 Specification titled

Maximal Reconvergence


If I is a dynamic instance of an instruction, let the tangle that executes I be T(I).

Initial State

Let F be the first dynamically executed instruction in an entry point. T(F) will be converged.

Note: This is a restatement of the initial conditions in Uniform Control Flow.


A divergence occurs when executing I if the invocations in T(I) do not all have the same dynamic successor.

The tangles that execute the dynamic successors of a dynamic instruction instance I form a partition of those invocations in T(I) that have a dynamic successor. The tangles of the dynamic successors may include invocations not in T(I) if that dynamic successor reconverges.

The only instructions that can produce a divergence are:

  • An OpBranchConditional.

    • T(I) is partitioned into up to two tangles. All the invocations in T(I) for whom Condition evaluates to true are members of the tangle that executes True Label and the rest are in the tangle that executes False Label.

  • An OpSwitch.

    • T(I) is partitioned into at least one tangle per case construct, and at most one tangle per unique Selector value. Invocations in T(I) with the same Selector value will be partitioned into the same tangle, executing the associated case construct. Invocations with different Selector values executing the same case construct may be partitioned into the same tangle. This behavior is deterministic for a given compilation of a shader.

  • An OpDemoteToHelperInvocation or OpKill instruction executed for the last non-demoted invocations in a quad. The newly demoted invocations may be in a different tangle causing a divergence to appear to occur for any instruction.

Note: This means that invocations cannot spontaneously diverge, although demoting an invocation to a helper invocation may look like spontaneous divergence.

Note: All invocations in a tangle that are not terminated during the execution of an OpFunctionCall will remain tangled in the next dynamic instance executed in calling function. That is, function call return acts as reconvergence point.

Note: When the last invocation in a quad is demoted to a helper invocation, the whole quad may be terminated. Since the invocations in the quad may be diverged, the termination of a quad may give the appearance of spontaneous divergence of some tangles. The invocations that were already helper invocations might be in vastly different points in the program execution.


Invocations that diverged from each other are said to reconverge when they rejoin a common tangle. Reconvergence occurs at certain related dynamic instances. A dynamic instruction instance, L, is related to another dynamic instruction instance, I, if I executed before L and the invocations in T(I) are candiates for inclusion in T(L). The subset of T(I) required to reconverge depends on the instructions executed as detailed below.

With L related to I as above, an invocation escapes reconvergence when that invocation is in T(I), but not in T(L). This only occurs when:

  • The invocation executes OpTerminateInvocation or OpKill.

  • The last non-demoted, non-terminated invocation in the invocation’s quad executes OpDemoteToHelperInvocation, OpTerminateInvocation, or OpKill.

  • The invocation executes OpReturn or OpReturnValue. Escaping in this manner only affects relations in the current function.

  • Executing OpBranch or OpBranchConditional causes an invocation to branch to the Merge Block or Continue Target for a merge instruction instance that strictly dominates I.

Note: The common cases an invocation would escape reconvergence are breaking from a switch or loop, or continuing in a loop.

Note: OpKill will behave the same as either OpTerminateInvocation or OpDemoteToHelperInvocation depending on the implementation. It is recommended that shader authors use OpTerminateInvocation or OpDemoteToHelperInvocation instead of OpKill whenever possible to produce more predictable behavior.

The only related instances introduced during execution are the following:

  • Given dynamic instances L of an OpLabel and M of an OpSelectionMerge, where:

    • The OpLabel is the declared Merge Block of the OpSelectionMerge, and

    • An invocation i executes both L and M, and

    • M is the last execution of the OpSelectionMerge before executing L for i, then

    • L is related to M, and

    • T(L) will include all non-escaping invocations in T(M)

  • Given dynamic instances L of an OpLabel and S of an OpSwitch, where:

    • The OpLabel is a declared Target or Default of the OpSwitch, and

    • An invocation i executes both L and S, and

    • S is the last execution of the OpSwitch before executing L for i, then

    • L is related to S, and

    • T(L) may include a subset of non-escaping invocations in T(S)

  • Given dynamic instances L of an OpLabel and M of an OpLoopMerge, where:

    • The OpLabel is the declared Merge Block of the OpLoopMerge, and

    • An invocation i executes both L and M, and

    • M is the last execution of the OpLoopMerge where i did not enter the basic block via the loop backedge before executing L for i, then

    • L is related to M, and

    • T(L) will include all non-escaping invocations in T(M)

  • Given dynamic instances L of an OpLabel and M of an OpLoopMerge, where:

    • The OpLabel is the declared Continue Target of the OpLoopMerge, and

    • An invocation i executes both L and M, and

    • M is the last execution of the OpLoopMerge before executing L for i, then

    • L is related to M, and

    • T(L) will include all non-escaping invocations in T(M)

    • Note: this requires that invocations reconverge at the Continue Target of a loop. Therefore, at the beginning of each iteration of the loop, invocations that entered the loop together and are continuing to the execute the loop will be converged.

  • Given dynamic instances I of an instruction and FC of an OpFunctionCall, where:

    • The instruction of I immediately succeeds the OpFunctionCall in binary order, and

    • An invocation i executes both I and FC, and

    • FC is the last execution of the OpFunctionCall before executing I for i, then

    • I is related to FC, and

    • T(I) will include all non-escaping invocations in T(FC)


Invocations will not reconverge except at Merge Blocks, Continue Targets, and case constructs or after OpFunctionCall is executed.

A tangle that executes an instance of a merge instruction, M, represents the maximal tangle for all of the invocations in T(M). That is, implementations will not merge tangles during execution except through reconvergence.

Note: This means that the instructions in a break block will execute as if they were still diverged according to the loop iteration. This restricts potential transformations an implementation may perform on the IR to match shader author expectations. Similarly, instructions in the loop construct cannot be moved into the continue construct unless it can be proven that invocations are always converged.


  1. What should be the behavior of an OpSwitch with multiple labels for a single case construct?


    This behavior is implementation-defined. An implementation will guarantee that at least all invocations that have the same selector value remain tangled, but may further include invocations up to all of those invocations that reach the same case construct.

  2. Should any structured control flow rules be tightened for this extension?


    Yes, see the modifications to 2.11 Structured Control Flow.

  3. Should this extension make any mention of forward progress?


    No, similar to memory model synchronization, if the invocations do not reconverge, the the program may hang. Behaviour is undefined if invocations don’t make progress.

  4. Is enough said about helper invocations?


    Yes, the extension describes the behavior as specifically as it can. Quads being terminated may look like unexpected divergence, but the behavior is reasonable when viewed as a whole.

Revision History







Alan Baker

Initial Revision



Alan Baker

Fix typo and resolve issue