
To report problems with this extension, please open a new issue at:

Contributors and Acknowledgments

  • Baldur Karlsson, Valve

Author of original OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 specification.

  • Alexey Sotkin, Intel

Contributors to original OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 specification.

  • Yaxun Liu, AMD

  • Brian Sumner, AMD

  • Ben Ashbaugh, Intel

  • Alexey Bader, Intel

  • Raun Krisch, Intel

  • Pratik Ashar, Intel

  • John Kessenich, Google

  • David Neto, Google

  • Neil Henning, Codeplay

  • Kerch Holt, Nvidia

  • Jaebaek Seo, Google

  • Spencer Fricke, LunarG


Copyright (c) 2019-2024 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at


  • Complete

  • Approved by the SPIR Working Group: 2021-02-05

  • Ratified by the Khronos Group: 2021-03-19


Last Modified Date





This extension is written against the SPIR-V Specification, Version 1.4 Revision 1.

This instruction set requires SPIR-V 1.0.


This is the specification of the NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 extended instruction set.

This extended instruction set is imported into a SPIR-V module in the following manner:

<extinst-id> OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"

The instructions below are capable of conveying debug information about the source program.

The design guidelines for these instructions are:

  • Similarity with OpenCL.DebugInfo.100, to re-use its tooling and benefit from its design work. To aid in future compatibility, new extended instructions in this extension begin at number 100.

  • Compatibility with rules regarding non-semantic instruction sets

  • Expansion to handle cases needed for Vulkan SPIR-V modules

This is a non-normative list of changes to the OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 specification:

  • OpExtInst instructions can no longer appear in any place in function bodies, but only within the valid locations inside a block (i.e. after OpPhi, before merge/branch instructions).

  • Forward references in any instruction are disallowed.

  • As the result of the above:

  • DebugDeclare has an Indices parameter with the same meaning as DebugValue. This parameter is optional and so tools can treat it as if it were present in OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 too but with no values.

  • All literal parameters are passed as OpConstant values.

  • New instructions: DebugSourceContinued, DebugLine, DebugNoLine, DebugBuildIdentifier, DebugStoragePath, DebugEntryPoint, DebugTypeMatrix.

  • New flag FlagUnknownPhysicalLayout to indicate that implementations may have a different physical layout for composite types than specified.

  • DebugTypeBasic now takes a Flags operand to allow specifying FlagUnknownPhysicalLayout.


Local variable: A variable that is invisible in some lexical scopes. It depends on the definition of a local variable in the high-level language.

DWARF: The DWARF Debugging Standard, which is a debugging file format used by many compilers and debuggers to support source level debugging.

Binary Form

This section contains the semantics of the debug info extended instructions using the OpExtInst instruction.

All Name operands are the <id> of OpString instructions, which represents the name of the entry (type, variable, function, etc.) as it appears in the source program.

Result Type of all instructions below is the <id> of OpTypeVoid.

Set operand in all instructions below is the result of an OpExtInstImport instruction.

DebugScope, DebugNoScope, DebugDeclare, DebugValue, DebugLine, DebugNoLine, and DebugFunctionDefinition instructions can interleave with the instructions within a function, but must appear within valid locations in a block as required by SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info. In particular this means they cannot come before any OpPhi or function-level variable declarations in a block, and they cannot come after a Merge Instruction.

DebugLine and DebugNoLine cannot appear outside of a block. Line number information for global objects such as variable declarations should be specified using the line and column values within those declarations.

All other instructions from this extended instruction set should be located after the logical layout section 9 "All type declarations (OpTypeXXX instructions), all constant instructions, and all global variable declarations …​" and before section 10 "All function declaration" in section 2.4 Logical Layout of a Module of the core SPIR-V specification.

Debug info for source language opaque types is represented by DebugTypeComposite without Members operands. Size of the composite must be DebugInfoNone and Name must start with @ symbol to avoid clashes with user defined names.

Removing Instructions

All instructions in this extended set have no semantic impact and can be safely removed. This is easily done if all debug instructions are removed together, at once. However, when removing a subset, for example, inlining a function, there may be dangling references to <id> that have been removed. These can be replaced with the Result <id> of the DebugInfoNone instruction.

All <id> referred to must be defined (dangling references are not allowed).

Forward references

Forward references are not allowed, to be compliant with SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info.

Line and Columns index ~~~~~~

The Line is an unsigned integer indicating a source line number. Lines are numbered beginning at 1. The value of 0 may be emitted in cases where an instruction cannot be attributed to any source line.

The Column is an unsigned integer indicating a column number within a source line. Columns are numbered beginning at 1. The value 0 is reserved to indicate that a statement begins at the “left edge” of the line.


Debug Info Flags

Value Flag Name

1 << 0


1 << 1


1<<0 | 1<<1


1 << 2


1 << 3


1 << 4


1 << 5


1 << 6


1 << 7


1 << 8


1 << 9


1 << 10


1 << 11


1 << 12


1 << 13


1 << 14


1 << 15


1 << 16


1 << 17


Build Identifier Flags

Value Flag Name Description

1 << 0


The same identifier may be generated for different input sources that compile to the same result, and so is not fully unique. This could be e.g. multiple different source code variations which compile to the exact same SPIR-V binary.

Base Type Attribute Encodings

Used by DebugTypeBasic

Encoding code name

















Composite Types

Tag code name







Type Qualifiers

Qualifier tag code name









Debug Operations

These operations are used to form a DWARF expression. Such expressions provide information about the current location (described by DebugDeclare) or value (described by DebugValue) of a variable. Operations in an expression are to be applied on a stack. Initially, the stack contains one element: the address or value of the source variable.
Used by DebugOperation

Operation encodings No. of Operands Description




Pops the top stack entry, treats it as an address, pushes the value retrieved from that address.




Pops the top two entries from the stack, adds them together and push the result.




Pops the top two entries from the stack, subtracts the former top entry from the former second to top entry and push the result.




Pops the top stack entry, adds the addend operand to it, and pushes the result. The operand must be a single 32-bit integer OpConstant.




Describes an object or value that may be contained in part of a register or stored in more than one location. The first operand is offset in bit from the location defined by the preceding operation. The second operand is size of the piece in bits. The operands must each be a single 32-bit integer OpConstant.




Swaps the top two stack values.




Pops the top two entries from the stack. Treats the former top entry as an address and the former second to top entry as an address space. The value retrieved from the address in the given address space is pushed.




Describes an object that doesn’t exist in memory but it’s value is known and is at the top of the DWARF expression stack.




Pushes a constant value onto the stack. The value operand must be a single 32-bit integer OpConstant.




Has the same semantics as BitPiece, but the offset operand defines location within the source variable.

Imported Entities

Tag code name






Missing Debugging Information


Other instructions can refer to this one in case the debugging information is unknown, not available, or not applicable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


Debug Info Metadata


A build identifier for the shader that can be used to tie debug information to a SPIR-V module even if the two are separated, as long as the identifier is present in both.

When removing debug information from a module tools should preserve this instruction and any DebugStoragePath, to allow users to locate the correct debug information again.

The identifier must be a lowercase hexadecimal string - digits and the characters [a-f] - with at least 32 characters.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Identifier is an OpString holding the hexadecimal representation of a GUID for this build.

Flags is a 32-bit integer constant containing a value from the BuildIdentifierFlags table.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Identifier

<id> Flags


A hint for consumers as to where to store this shader’s debug information. If the debug information has been split apart and is identified with DebugBuildIdentifier, this path can provide a hint as to where the debug information has been stored.

It is optional, and may be automatically generated based on a common prefix and the identifier itself.

Interpretation of the path and the storage method are not specified here, but commonly the path will be a relative path on disk, which is searched relative to externally agreed search paths.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Identifier is an OpString holding the absolute or relative path to the stored SPIR-V module.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Path

Compilation Unit


Describe a source compilation unit. A compilation unit is the single source input to a SPIR-V front-end after any preprocessing has occurred. Multiple compilation units can be linked together to produce a SPIR-V module, and the same source file can be used for multiple compilation units if different compilation settings are used each time.

The Result <id> of this instruction represents a lexical scope.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Version is version of the SPIRV debug information format, stored in a 32-bit integer OpConstant.

DWARF Version is version of the DWARF standard this specification is compatible with, stored in a 32-bit integer OpConstant.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the initial input file before pre-processing.

Language is a 32-bit integer OpConstant. The value is the source programming language of this particular compilation unit. Possible values of this operand are described in the Source Language section of the core SPIR-V specification.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Version

<id> DWARF version

<id> Source

<id> Language


Describe the source program. It can be either the primary source file or a file added via a #include directive.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

File is an OpString holding the name of the source file including its full path.

Text is an OpString that contains text of the source program the SPIR-V module is derived from.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> File

<id> Text


Continue specifying source text from the previous instruction.

The previous instruction must be a DebugSource or DebugSourceContinued instruction. The previous instruction must use the same extended instruction set <id> as this one, and it must contain some text string id.

The text strings specified in both instructions are nul terminated, and the contents of the string in this instruction is appended immediately after before the nul in the previous instruction’s string to form the joined text.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Text is an OpString that contains text to append.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Text


Describe the compilation environment for an OpEntryPoint.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Entry Point is the <id> of the DebugFunction corresponding to the OpFunction referenced in the OpEntryPoint. This function must also have a DebugFunctionDefinition in the first basic block of that OpFunction.

Compilation Unit is the <id> of the DebugCompilationUnit that produced the entry point.

Compiler Signature is an OpString describing the compiler and version used for compilation.

Command-line Arguments is an OpString containing the command line arguments passed to the compiler.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Entry Point

<id> Compilation Unit

<id> Compiler Signature

<id> Command-line Arguments

Type instructions


Describe a basic data type.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString representing the name of the type as it appears in the source program. May be empty.

Size is an OpConstant with 32-bit or 64-bit integer type and its value is the number of bits required to hold an instance of the type.

Encoding is a 32-bit integer OpConstant describing how the base type is encoded.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Note: If flags contains the FlagUnknownPhysicalLayout flag, the Size is a placeholder value based on an assumed memory layout and may not correspond to the exact size of the composite by the implementation.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Size

<id> Encoding

<id> Flags


Describe a pointer or reference data type.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Base Type is the <id> of a debugging instruction that represents the pointee type.

Storage Class is a 32-bit integer OpConstant containing the class of the memory where the object pointed to is allocated. Possible values of this operand are described in the Storage Class section of the core SPIR-V specification.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Base Type

<id> Storage Class

<id> Flags


Describe a const, volatile, or restrict qualified data type. A type with multiple qualifiers are represented as a sequence of DebugTypeQualifier instructions.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Base Type is debug instruction that represents the type being qualified.

Type Qualifier is a 32-bit integer constant containing a value from the TypeQualifiers table.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Base Type

<id> Type Qualifier


Describe a array data type.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Base Type is a debugging instruction that describes the element type of the array.

Component Count is the number of elements in the corresponding dimension of the array. The number and order of Component Count operands must match with the number and order of array dimensions as they appear in the source program. Component Count must be a Result <id> of an OpConstant, DebugGlobalVariable, or DebugLocalVariable. If it is an OpConstant, its type must be a 32-bit or 64-bit integer type. Otherwise its type must be a DebugTypeBasic whose Size is 32 or 64 and whose Encoding is Unsigned. If the OpConstant value is set to 0, this indicates an array with an unknown size at compile time which is sized at runtime, corresponding to the SPIR-V OpTypeRuntimeArray type.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Base Type

<id> Component Count, …​


Describe a vector data type.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Base Type is the <id> of a debugging instruction that describes the type of element of the vector.

Component Count is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the number of elements in the vector.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Base Type

Component Count


Describe a matrix data type.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Vector Type is the <id> of a debugging instruction that describes the type of vector in the matrix.

Vector Count is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the number of vectors in the matrix.

Column Major is the <id> of a boolean OpConstant denoting whether the matrix is column major. If it is True then the matrix is column major with each Vector Type representing a column and Vector Count giving the number of columns. If it is False then correspondingly the matrix is row major with each vector being a row.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Vector Type

Vector Count

Column Major


Describe a C/C++ typedef declaration.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString that represents a new name for the Base Type.

Base Type is a debugging instruction representing the type for which a new name is being declared.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the typedef declaration.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the declaration appears.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope that contains the typedef declaration.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Base Type

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Parent


Describe a function type.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Return Type is a debug instruction that represents the type of return value of the function. If the function has no return value, this operand is OpTypeVoid.

Parameter Types are debug instructions that describe the type of parameters of the function.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Flags

<id> Return Type

Optional <id>, <id>, …​ Parameter Types


Describe an enumeration type.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString holding the name of the enumeration as it appears in the source program.

Underlying Type is a debugging instruction that describes the underlying type of the enum in the source program. If the underlying type is not specified in the source program, this operand must refer to DebugInfoNone.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the enum declaration.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the enumeration declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the enumeration declaration appears.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope that contains the enumeration type.

Size is an OpConstant with 32-bit or 64-bit integer type and its value is the number of bits required to hold an instance of the enumeration type.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Enumerators are encoded as trailing pairs of Value and corresponding Name. Values must be the <id> of OpConstant instructions, with a 32-bit integer result type. Name must be the <id> of an OpString instruction.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Underlying Type

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Parent

<id> Size

<id> Flags

<id> Value,
<id> Name,
<id> Value,
<id> Name, …​


Describe a structure, class, or union data type. The Result <id> of this instruction represents a lexical scope.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Tag is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant with a value from the Composite Types table that specifies the kind of the composite type.

Name is an OpString holding the name of the type as it appears in the source program.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the type declaration.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the type declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the type declaration appears.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope that contains the composite type. It must be one of the following: DebugCompilationUnit, DebugFunction, DebugLexicalBlock, or DebugTypeComposite.

Linkage Name is an OpString, holding the linkage name or mangled name of the composite.

Size is an OpConstant with 32-bit or 64-bit integer type and its value is the number of bits required to hold an instance of the composite type.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Members must be the <id>s of DebugTypeMember, DebugFunction, or DebugTypeInheritance. This could be a forward reference.

Note: If flags contains the FlagUnknownPhysicalLayout flag, the Size is a placeholder value based on an assumed memory layout and may not correspond to the exact size of the composite by the implementation. Size will be at least greater than or equal to the highest Offset of any element in Members plus that members Size. The order of members in memory can be determined by the order of their Offset parameter.

Note: To represent a source language opaque type, this instruction must have no Members operands, Size operand must be DebugInfoNone, and Name must start with @ to avoid clashes with user defined names.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name


<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Parent

<id> Linkage Name

<id> Size

<id> Flags

<id>, <id>, …​ Members


Describe a data member of a structure, class, or union.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString holding the name of the member as it appears in the source program.

Type is a debug type instruction that represents the type of the member.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the member declaration.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the member declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the member declaration appears.

Offset is an OpConstant with integral type, and its value is the memory offset in bits from the beginning of the Scope type.

Size is an OpConstant with 32-bit or 64-bit integer type and its value is the number of bits the member occupies within the Scope type.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Value is an OpConstant representing initialization value in case of const static qualified member in C++.

Note: If flags contains the FlagUnknownPhysicalLayout flag, the Size and Offset are placeholder values based on an assumed memory layout and may not correspond to the exact size of the composite by the implementation. Size will be greater than zero.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Offset

<id> Size

<id> Flags

Optional <id> Value


Describe the inheritance relationship with a parent class or structure. The Result of this instruction can be used as a member of a composite type.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Parent is a debug instruction representing a class or structure the Child Type is derived from.

Offset is an OpConstant with integral type and its value is the offset of the Parent Type in bits in layout of the Child Type.

Size is an OpConstant with 32-bit or 64-bit integer type and its value is the number of bits the Parent type occupies within the Child Type.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Parent

<id> Offset

<id> Size

<id> Flags


Describe the type of an object that is a pointer to a structure or class member.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Member Type is a debug instruction representing the type of the member.

Parent is a debug instruction, representing a structure or class type.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Member Type

<id> Parent



Describe an instantiated template of class, struct, or function in C++.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Target is a debug instruction representing the class, struct, or function that has template parameter(s).

Parameters are debug instructions representing the template parameters for this particular instantiation.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Target

<id>…​ Parameters


Describe a formal parameter of a C++ template instantiation.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString holding the name of the template parameter.

Actual Type is a debug instruction representing the actual type of the formal parameter for this particular instantiation.

If this instruction describes a template value parameter, the Value is represented by an OpConstant with an integer result type. For a template type parameter, the Value operand must be the Result <id> of DebugInfoNone.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the template instantiation.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the template parameter declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the template parameter declaration appears.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Actual Type

<id> Value

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column


Describe a template template parameter of a C++ template instantiation.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString holding the name of the template template parameter

Template Name is an OpString holding the name of the template used as template parameter in this particular instantiation.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the template instantiation.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the template template parameter declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the template template parameter declaration appears.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Template Name

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column


Describe the expanded template parameter pack in a variadic template instantiation in C++.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString holding the name of the template parameter pack.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the template instantiation.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the template parameter pack declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the template parameter pack declaration appears.

Template parameters are DebugTypeTemplateParameters describing the expanded parameter pack in the variadic template instantiation.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id>…​ Template parameters

Global Variables


Describe a source global variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString, holding the name of the variable as it appears in the source program.

Type is a debug instruction that represents the type of the variable.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the source global variable declaration.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the source global variable declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the source global variable declaration appears.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope that contains the source global variable declaration. It must be one of the following: DebugCompilationUnit, DebugFunction, DebugLexicalBlock, or DebugTypeComposite.

Linkage Name is an OpString, holding the linkage name of the variable.

Variable can hold two kinds of values. First it can hold the <id> of the source global variable or constant that is described by this instruction. If the variable is optimized out, this operand can be the <id> of a DebugExpression instruction that contains the constant value of the variable that was optimized out. Otherwise this operand must be DebugInfoNone.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.

If the source global variable represents a defining declaration for a C++ static data member of a structure, class, or union, the optional Static Member Declaration operand refers to the debugging type of the previously declared variable, i.e. DebugTypeMember.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Parent

<id> Linkage Name

<id> Variable

<id> Flags

Optional <id> Static Member Declaration



Describe a function or method declaration.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString, holding the name of the function as it appears in the source program.

Type is an DebugTypeFunction instruction that represents the type of the function.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the function declaration.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the function declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the function declaration appears.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope that contains the function declaration.

Linkage Name is an OpString, holding the linkage name of the function.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Parent

<id> Linkage Name

<id> Flags


Describe a function or method definition. The Result <id> of this instruction represents a lexical scope.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString, holding the name of the function as it appears in the source program.

Type is an DebugTypeFunction instruction that represents the type of the function.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the function definition.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the function declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the function declaration appears.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope that contains the function definition.

Linkage Name is an OpString, holding the linkage name of the function.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.

Scope Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the line number in the source program at which the function lexical scope begins.

Declaration is DebugFunctionDeclaration that represents non-defining declaration of the function.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Parent

<id> Linkage Name

<id> Flags

<id> Scope Line

Optional <id> Declaration


Describe a function definition. This instruction must appear in the entry basic block of an OpFunction and there must be at most one such instruction.

The referenced DebugFunction must not be referenced by any other DebugFunctionDefinition.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Function is the <id> of a DebugFunction instruction that describes this function.

Definition is the <id> of the OpFunction that this instruction is inside.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Function

<id> Definition

Location Information


Describe a lexical block in the source program. The Result <id> of this instruction represents a lexical scope.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the lexical block.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the lexical block begins in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the lexical block begins.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope containing the lexical block. Entities in the global lexical scope should have Parent referring to a DebugCompilationUnit.

The presence of the Name operand indicates that this instruction represents a C++ namespace. This operand refers to an OpString holding the name of the namespace. For anonymous C++ namespaces, the name must be an empty string.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Parent

Optional <id> Name


Distinguish lexical blocks on a single line in the source program.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the lexical block.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope containing the lexical block.

Discriminator is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting a DWARF discriminator value for instructions in the lexical block.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

<id> Discriminator

<id> Parent


Provide information about a previously declared lexical scope. This instruction delimits the start of a contiguous group of instructions, to be ended by any of the following: the next end of block, the next DebugScope instruction, or the next DebugNoScope instruction.

This instruction must only appear within a block.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Scope is a previously declared lexical scope.

Inlined is a DebugInlinedAt instruction that represents the lexical scope and location to where Scope instructions were inlined.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Scope

<id> Inlined


Delimit the end of a contiguous group of instructions started by the previous DebugScope.

This instruction must only appear within a block.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set



Declare to where instructions grouped together by a DebugScope instruction are inlined. When a function is inlined, a DebugScope for the function or a part of the function can have an Inlined operand i.e., DebugInlinedAt, which means the set of instructions grouped by the DebugScope was inlined to the Line operand of the DebugInlinedAt of the Scope operand of the DebugInlinedAt.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number where the range of instructions were inlined.

Scope is a lexical scope that contains Line.

Inlined is a debug instruction representing the next level of inlining in case of recursive inlining.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Line

<id> Scope

Optional <id> Inlined


Specify source-level line and column information. This information applies to all following instructions, up to the first occurrence of any of the following: the next end of block, the next DebugLine instruction, or the next DebugNoLine instruction.

This instruction must only appear within a block.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Source is a previously declared DebugSource indicating the file containing the location.

Line Start is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number where the location begins.

Line End is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number where the location ends. This must be greater than or equal to Line End.

Column Start is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source column number where the location begins.

Column End is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source column number where the location ends. This must be greater than or equal to Column Start if Line Start equals Line End.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

<id> Line Start

<id> Line End

<id> Column Start

<id> Column End


Discontinue any source-level line and column information specified by any previous DebugLine instruction.

This instruction must only appear within a block.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


Local Variables


Describe a local variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Name is an OpString, holding the name of the variable as it appears in the source program.

Type is a debugging instruction that represents the type of the local variable.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program containing the local variable declaration.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the local variable declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the local variable declaration appears.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope that contains the the local variable declaration.

Flags is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant formed by the bitwise-OR of values from the Debug Info Flags table.

If ArgNumber operand is present, this instruction represents a function formal parameter. The argument is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Type

<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Parent

<id> Flags

<id> ArgNumber


Describe an inlined local variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Variable is a debug instruction representing a local variable that is inlined.

Inlined is an DebugInlinedAt instruction representing the inline location.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Variable

<id> Inlined


Define point of declaration of a local variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Local Variable must be an <id> of DebugLocalVariable.

Variable must be the <id> of an OpVariable instruction that defines the local variable.

Expression must be an <id> of a DebugExpression instruction.

Indexes have the same semantics as the corresponding operand(s) of OpAccessChain, applied to the Local Variable.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Local Variable

<id> Variable

<id> Expression

<id>, <id>, …​ Indexes


Represent a changing of value of a local variable.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Local Variable must be an <id> of a DebugLocalVariable.

Value is a Result <id> of a non-debug instruction. The new value of Local Variable is the result of the evaluation of Expression to Value.

Expression is the <id> of a DebugExpression instruction.

Indexes have the same semantics as the corresponding operand(s) of OpAccessChain, applied to the Local Variable.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Local Variable

<id> Value

<id> Expression

<id>, <id>, …​ Indexes


Represent a DWARF operation that operates on a stack of values.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Operation is a 32-bit OpConstant specifying the DWARF operation from the Debug Operations table.

Operands are zero or more 32-bit integer OpConstant <id>s.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Operation

Optional <id>
Operands …​


Represent a DWARF expression, which describe how to compute a value or name location during debugging of a program. This is expressed in terms of DWARF operations that operate on a stack of values.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Operation is zero or more ids of DebugOperation.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


Optional <id>…​ Operation



Represents a macro definition.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Source is the <id> of an OpString, which contains the name of the file that contains definition of the macro.

Line is <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the line number in the source file at which the macro is defined. If Line is zero, the macro definition is provided by compiler’s command line argument.

Name is the <id> of an OpString, which contains the name of the macro as it appears in the source program. In the case of a function-like macro definition, no whitespace characters appear between the name of the defined macro and the following left parenthesis. Formal parameters are separated by a comma without any whitespace. A right parenthesis terminates the formal parameter list.

Value is the <id> of an OpString, which contains text with definition of the macro.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Name

Optional <id> Value


Discontinue previous macro definition.

Result Type must be OpTypeVoid.

Source is the <id> of an OpString, which contains the name of the file in which the macro is undefined.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the line number in the source program at which the macro is rendered as undefined.

Macro is the <id> of DebugMacroDef which represent the macro to be undefined.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Source

<id> Line

<id> Macro

Imported Entities


Represents a C++ namespace using-directive, namespace alias, or using-declaration.

Name is an OpString, holding the name or alias for the imported entity.

Tag is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant with a value from the Imported Entities table which specifies the kind of the imported entity.

Source is a DebugSource instruction representing the text of the source program the Entity is being imported from.

Entity is a debug instruction representing a namespace or declaration that is being imported.

Line is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the source line number at which the using declaration appears in the Source.

Column is the <id> of a 32-bit integer OpConstant denoting the column number at which the first character of the using declaration appears.

Parent is the <id> of a debug instruction that represents the lexical scope that contains the namespace or declaration.



Result Type

Result <id>

<id> Set


<id> Name

<id> Tag

<id> Source

<id> Entity

<id> Line

<id> Column

<id> Parent

Validation Rules



  1. Should this specification only contain references to the OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 specification with changes, or duplicate it in its entirety?

    RESOLVED: The spec is duplicated. The number of changes is significant enough that having to read two specifications to understand this one is not desirable. It’s also not guaranteed that changes to OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 should be automatically reflected in this extension.

  2. Should DebugSourceContinued exist or should DebugSource take an optional list of <id>s instead of just a single optional <id>?

    RESOLVED: We mirror OpSource and OpSourceContinued both because it is an existing pattern for specifying overflowing strings longer than a 16-bit length allows, as well as for compatibility with OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 which only allows a single <id> for its DebugSource.

  3. Should we add a DebugNoLine or use OpNoLine?

    RESOLVED: We have added DebugNoLine for symmetry and to clearly separate from OpLine and OpNoLine.

Revision History

Rev Date Author Changes

1.00 Rev 1


Baldur Karlsson

Initial revision

1.00 Rev 2


Baldur Karlsson

Changed to comply with non-semantic restrictions.
Removed forward references.
Converted literal operands to OpConstant ids.

1.00 Rev 3


Baldur Karlsson

Added DebugSourceContinued, DebugLine/DebugNoLine, DebugBuildIdentifier, DebugStoragePath, DebugEntryPoint, DebugTypeMatrix.

1.00 Rev 4


Baldur Karlsson

Grammar fixes, added FlagUnknownPhysicalLayout and Indexes parameter in DebugValue. Limited where DebugLine type instructions can appear.

1.00 Rev 5


Baldur Karlsson

Add Flags parameter to DebugTypeBasic.

1.00 Rev 6


Baldur Karlsson

Rename extended instruction set.

1.00 Rev 7


Baldur Karlsson

Clarify runtime array sizing.

1.00 Rev 8


Baldur Karlsson

Clarify that DebugFunctionDefinition can be in
basic blocks.

1.00 Rev 9


Baldur Karlsson

Clarify that DebugEntryPoint refers to a DebugFunction, not an OpEntryPoint.

1.00 Rev 10


Victor Lomüller

Fix that in DebugLine the Column end operand can be equal to Column start operand.

1.00 Rev 11


Spencer Fricke

Fix using Scope instead of Parent operand name.

1.00 Rev 12


Spencer Fricke

Clarify Line and Column operand should start at 1.