No longer updated. Kept to preserve ancient history. For more recent history see the repo log at See also the Release Notes in the repo.
Version 4.0
- Support for KTX Version 2.
- Support for encoding and transcoding Basis Universal images in KTX Version 2 files.
- Function to print info about a KTX file.
Version 3.0.1
- GitHub issue #159: compile failure with recent Vulkan SDKs.
- Incorrect mapping of GL DXT3 and DXT5 formats to Vulkan equivalents.
- Incorrect BC4 blocksize.
- Missing mapping of PVRTC formats from GL to Vulkan.
- Incorrect block width and height calculations for sizes that are not a multiple of the block size.
- Incorrect KTXorientation key in test images.
Version 3.0
- new ktxTexture object based API for reading KTX files without an OpenGL context.
- Vulkan loader. #include <ktxvulkan.h> to use it.
- ktx.h to not depend on KHR/khrplatform.h and GL{,ES*}/gl{corearb,}.h. Applications using OpenGL must now include these files themselves.
- ktxLoadTexture[FMN], removing the hack of loading 1D textures as 2D textures when the OpenGL context does not support 1D textures. KTX_UNSUPPORTED_TEXTURE_TYPE is now returned.
Version 2.0.2
- Support for cubemap arrays.
- GitHub issue #40: failure to byte-swap key-value lengths.
- GitHub issue #33: returning incorrect target when loading cubemaps.
- GitHub PR #42: loading of texture arrays.
- GitHub PR #41: compilation error when KTX_OPENGL_ES2=1 defined.
- GitHub issue #39: stack-buffer-overflow in toktx
- Don't use GL_EXTENSIONS on recent OpenGL versions.
Version 2.0.1
- CMake build files. Thanks to Pavel Rotjberg for the initial version.
- ktxWriteKTXF to check the validity of the type & format combinations passed to it.
- Public Bugzilla 999: 16-bit luminance texture cannot be written.
- compile warnings from compilers stricter than MS Visual C++. Thanks to Pavel Rotjberg.
Version 2.0
- support for decoding ETC2 and EAC formats in the absence of a hardware decoder.
- support for converting textures with legacy LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, etc. formats to the equivalent R, RG, etc. format with an appropriate swizzle, when loading in OpenGL Core Profile contexts.
- ktxErrorString function to return a string corresponding to an error code.
- tests for ktxLoadTexture[FN] that run under OpenGL ES 3.0 and OpenGL 3.3. The latter includes an EGL on WGL wrapper that makes porting apps between OpenGL ES and OpenGL easier on Windows.
- more texture formats to ktxLoadTexture[FN] and toktx tests.
- ktxLoadTexture[FMN] to discover the capabilities of the GL context at run time and load textures, or not, according to those capabilities.
- failure of ktxWriteKTXF to pad image rows to 4 bytes as required by the KTX format.
- ktxWriteKTXF exiting with KTX_FILE_WRITE_ERROR when attempting to write more than 1 byte of face-LOD padding.
Although there is only a very minor API change, the addition of ktxErrorString, the functional changes are large enough to justify bumping the major revision number.
Version 1.0.1
Implemented ktxLoadTextureM. Fixed the following:
- Public Bugzilla 571: crash when null passed for pIsMipmapped.
- Public Bugzilla 572: memory leak when unpacking ETC textures.
- Public Bugzilla 573: potential crash when unpacking ETC textures with unused padding pixels.
- Public Bugzilla 576: various small fixes.
Thanks to Krystian Bigaj for the ktxLoadTextureM implementation and these fixes.
Version 1.0
Initial release.