libktx Reference 4.3.2
Libraries and tools to create and read KTX image texture files.
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ktxTexture Class Reference

Base class representing a texture. More...

#include <ktx.h>

Public Types

enum  ktxTextureCreateStorageEnum
 Enum for requesting, or not, allocation of storage for images. More...
enum  ktxTextureCreateFlagBits
 Flags for requesting services during creation. More...
typedef KTX_error_code(* PFNKTXITERCB) (int miplevel, int face, int width, int height, int depth, ktx_uint64_t faceLodSize, void *pixels, void *userdata)
 Signature of function called by the ktxTexture_Iterate* functions to receive image data.
typedef ktx_uint32_t ktxTextureCreateFlags
 Type for TextureCreateFlags parameters.

Public Member Functions

KTX_error_code ktxTexture_GLUpload (ktxTexture *This, GLuint *pTexture, GLenum *pTarget, GLenum *pGlerror)
 Create a GL texture object from a ktxTexture1 object.
KTX_error_code ktxTexture_CreateFromStream (ktxStream *pStream, ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags, ktxTexture **newTex)
 Create a ktx1 or ktx2 texture according to the stream data.
KTX_error_code ktxTexture_CreateFromStdioStream (FILE *stdioStream, ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags, ktxTexture **newTex)
 Create a ktxTexture1 or ktxTexture2 from a stdio stream according to the stream data.
KTX_error_code ktxTexture_CreateFromNamedFile (const char *const filename, ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags, ktxTexture **newTex)
 Create a ktxTexture1 or ktxTexture2 from a named KTX file according to the file contents.
KTX_error_code ktxTexture_CreateFromMemory (const ktx_uint8_t *bytes, ktx_size_t size, ktxTextureCreateFlags createFlags, ktxTexture **newTex)
 Create a ktxTexture1 or ktxTexture2 from KTX-formatted data in memory according to the data contents.
ktx_uint8_t * ktxTexture_GetData (ktxTexture *This)
 Return a pointer to the texture image data.
ktx_size_t ktxTexture_GetDataSize (ktxTexture *This)
 Return the total size of the texture image data in bytes.
ktx_uint32_t ktxTexture_GetElementSize (ktxTexture *This)
 Return the size in bytes of an elements of a texture's images.
KTX_error_code ktxTexture_IterateLevelFaces (ktxTexture *This, PFNKTXITERCB iterCb, void *userdata)
 Iterate over the levels or faces in a ktxTexture object.
ktx_uint32_t ktxTexture_GetRowPitch (ktxTexture *This, ktx_uint32_t level)
 Return pitch betweeb rows of a texture image level in bytes.
KTX_error_code ktxTexture_VkUploadEx_WithSuballocator (ktxTexture *This, ktxVulkanDeviceInfo *vdi, ktxVulkanTexture *vkTexture, VkImageTiling tiling, VkImageUsageFlags usageFlags, VkImageLayout finalLayout, ktxVulkanTexture_subAllocatorCallbacks *subAllocatorCallbacks)
 Create a Vulkan image object from a ktxTexture object.
KTX_error_code ktxTexture_VkUploadEx (ktxTexture *This, ktxVulkanDeviceInfo *vdi, ktxVulkanTexture *vkTexture, VkImageTiling tiling, VkImageUsageFlags usageFlags, VkImageLayout finalLayout)
 Create a Vulkan image object from a ktxTexture object.
KTX_error_code ktxTexture_VkUpload (ktxTexture *texture, ktxVulkanDeviceInfo *vdi, ktxVulkanTexture *vkTexture)
 Create a Vulkan image object from a ktxTexture object.
VkFormat ktxTexture_GetVkFormat (ktxTexture *This)
 Return the VkFormat enum of a ktxTexture object.

Static Public Member Functions

static ktxAstcParams astcDefaultOptions ()
 Creates default ASTC parameters.
static VkFormat astcVkFormat (ktx_uint32_t block_size, bool sRGB)
 Should be used to get VkFormat from ASTC block enum.
static astcenc_profile astcEncoderAction (const ktxAstcParams &params, const uint32_t *bdb)
 Creates valid ASTC encoder action from string.
static astcenc_swizzle astcSwizzle (const ktxAstcParams &params)
 Creates valid ASTC encoder swizzle from string.

Data Fields

class_id classId
 Identify the class type.
struct ktxTexture_vtblvtbl
 Pointer to the class's vtble.
struct ktxTexture_vvtbl * vvtbl
 Pointer to the class's vtble for Vulkan functions.
struct ktxTexture_protected * _protected
 Opaque pointer to the class's protected variables.
ktx_bool_t isArray
ktx_bool_t isCubemap
ktx_bool_t generateMipmaps
ktx_uint32_t baseWidth
 Width of the texture's base level.
ktx_uint32_t baseHeight
 Height of the texture's base level.
ktx_uint32_t baseDepth
 Depth of the texture's base level.
ktx_uint32_t numDimensions
 Number of dimensions in the texture: 1, 2 or 3.
ktx_uint32_t numLevels
 Number of mip levels in the texture.
ktx_uint32_t numFaces
 Number of faces: 6 for cube maps, 1 otherwise.
struct {
 Describes the logical orientation of the images in each dimension.
ktxHashList kvDataHead
 Head of the hash list of metadata.
ktx_uint32_t kvDataLen
 Length of the metadata, if it has been extracted in its raw form, otherwise 0.
ktx_uint8_t * kvData
 Pointer to the metadata, if it has been extracted in its raw form, otherwise NULL.
ktx_size_t dataSize
 Byte length of the texture's uncompressed image data.
ktx_uint8_t * pData
 Pointer to the start of the image data.

Detailed Description

Base class representing a texture.

ktxTextures should be created only by one of the provided functions and these fields should be considered read-only.

glloader.c, and vkload.cpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ktxTextureCreateFlags

typedef ktx_uint32_t ktxTextureCreateFlags

Type for TextureCreateFlags parameters.

See also


typedef KTX_error_code(* PFNKTXITERCB) (int miplevel, int face, int width, int height, int depth, ktx_uint64_t faceLodSize, void *pixels, void *userdata)

Signature of function called by the ktxTexture_Iterate* functions to receive image data.

The function parameters are used to pass values which change for each image. Obtain values which are uniform across all images from the ktxTexture object.

[in]miplevelMIP level from 0 to the max level which is dependent on the texture size.
[in]faceusually 0; for cube maps, one of the 6 cube faces in the order +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z, 0 to 5.
[in]widthwidth of the image.
[in]heightheight of the image or, for 1D textures textures, 1.
[in]depthdepth of the image or, for 1D & 2D textures, 1.
[in]faceLodSizenumber of bytes of data pointed at by pixels.
[in]pixelspointer to the image data.
[in,out]userdatapointer for the application to pass data to and from the callback function.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ktxTextureCreateFlagBits

Flags for requesting services during creation.

See also

◆ ktxTextureCreateStorageEnum

Enum for requesting, or not, allocation of storage for images.

See also
ktxTexture1_Create() and ktxTexture2_Create().

Member Function Documentation

◆ astcDefaultOptions()

static ktxAstcParams astcDefaultOptions ( )

Creates default ASTC parameters.

ktxAstcParams with default options for ASTC compressor

◆ astcEncoderAction()

static astcenc_profile astcEncoderAction ( const ktxAstcParams params,
const uint32_t *  bdb 

Creates valid ASTC encoder action from string.

Valid astc_profile from string

◆ astcSwizzle()

static astcenc_swizzle astcSwizzle ( const ktxAstcParams params)

Creates valid ASTC encoder swizzle from string.

Valid astcenc_swizzle from string

◆ astcVkFormat()

static VkFormat astcVkFormat ( ktx_uint32_t  block_size,
bool  sRGB 

Should be used to get VkFormat from ASTC block enum.

VKFormat for a specific ASTC block size

Field Documentation

◆ baseWidth


Width of the texture's base level.


◆ classId


Identify the class type.

Since there are no public ktxTexture constructors, this can only have values of ktxTexture1_c or ktxTexture2_c.


◆ generateMipmaps


KTX_TRUE if mipmaps should be generated for the texture by ktxTexture_GLUpload() or ktxTexture_VkUpload().


◆ isArray


KTX_TRUE if the texture is an array texture, i.e, a GL_TEXTURE_*_ARRAY target is to be used.


◆ isCubemap


KTX_TRUE if the texture is a cubemap or cubemap array.

KTX_TRUE if the texture's format is a block compressed format.

◆ numLevels


Number of mip levels in the texture.

Number of array layers in the texture.

Must be 1, if generateMipmaps is KTX_TRUE. Can be less than a full pyramid but always starts at the base level.


◆ orientation


Describes the logical orientation of the images in each dimension.

ktxOrientationX for X, ktxOrientationY for Y and ktxOrientationZ for Z.

◆ vvtbl


Pointer to the class's vtble for Vulkan functions.

A separate vtble is used so this header does not need to include vulkan.h.