
template <typename T, sycl::memory_order DefaultOrder, sycl::memory_scope DefaultScope,
  sycl::access::address_space AddressSpace = sycl::access::address_space::generic_space>
class atomic_ref;

The sycl::atomic_ref class provides the ability to perform atomic operations in device code with a syntax similar to the C++ standard std::atomic_ref. The sycl::atomic_ref class must not be used in host code.

The atomic operations and member functions behave as described in the C++ specification, barring the restrictions discussed below.


Care must be taken when using atomics for work-item coordination, because work-items are not required to provide stronger than weakly parallel forward progress guarantees. Operations that block a work-item, such as continuously checking the value of an atomic variable until some condition holds, or using atomic operations that are not lock-free, may prevent overall progress.

See also

SYCL Specification Section 4.15.3

Template parameters#


Unlike std::atomic_ref, sycl::atomic_ref does not provide a default memory ordering for its operations. Instead, the application must specify a default ordering via the DefaultOrder template parameter. This ordering is used as a default for most of the atomic operations, but most member functions also provide an optional parameter that allows the application to override this default.

  • The set of supported orderings is specific to a device, but every device is guaranteed to support at least sycl::memory_order::relaxed.

  • If the default order is set to sycl::memory_order::relaxed, all memory order arguments default to sycl::memory_order::relaxed.

  • If the default order is set to sycl::memory_order::acq_rel, memory order arguments default to sycl::memory_order::acquire for load operations, sycl::memory_order::release for store operations and sycl::memory_order::acq_rel for read-modify-write operations.

  • If the default order is set to sycl::memory_order::seq_cst, all memory order arguments default to sycl::memory_order::seq_cst.


The sycl::atomic_ref class has a template parameter DefaultScope, which allows the application to define a default memory scope for the atomic operations. Most member functions also provide an optional parameter that allows the application to override this default.


The sycl::atomic_ref class has a template parameter AddressSpace, which allows the application to make an assertion about the address space of the object of type T that it references.

The default value for this parameter is sycl::access::address_space::generic_space, which indicates that the object could be in either the global or local address spaces.

If the application knows the address space, it can set this template parameter to either sycl::access::address_space::global_space or sycl::access::address_space::local_space as an assertion to the implementation.

Specifying the address space via this template parameter may allow the implementation to perform certain optimizations. Specifying an address space that does not match the object's actual address space results in undefined behavior.

Type T#

The template parameter T must be one of the following types:

  • int

  • unsigned int

  • long

  • unsigned long

  • long long

  • unsigned long long

  • float

  • double

In addition, the type T must satisfy one of the following conditions:

  • sizeof(T) == 4

  • sizeof(T) == 8 and the code containing this sycl::atomic_ref was submitted to a device that has sycl::aspect::atomic64.

For floating-point types, the member functions of the sycl::atomic_ref class may be emulated, and they may use a different floating-point environment from those defined by sycl::info::device::single_fp_config and sycl::info::device::double_fp_config (i.e. floating-point atomics may use different rounding modes and may have different exception behavior).

Static members#

  1. The static member required_alignment describes the minimum required alignment in bytes of an object that can be referenced by an sycl::atomic_ref<T>, which must be at least alignof(T).

  2. The static member is_always_lock_free is true if all atomic operations for type T are always lock-free. A SYCL implementation is not guaranteed to support atomic operations that are not lock-free.

  3. The static members default_read_order, default_write_order and default_read_modify_write_order reflect the default memory order values for each type of atomic operation, consistent with the DefaultOrder template.


atomic_ref(T& ref);

Constructs an instance of sycl::atomic_ref which is associated with the reference ref.

Member functions#

Available on any sycl::atomic_ref<T> object#


bool is_lock_free() const;

Return true if the atomic operations provided by this sycl::atomic_ref are lock-free.


void store(T operand,
           sycl::memory_order order = default_write_order,
           sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically stores operand to the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref. The memory order of this atomic operation must be sycl::memory_order::relaxed, sycl::memory_order::release or sycl::memory_order::seq_cst. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T operator=(T desired) const;

Equivalent to store(desired). Returns desired.


T load(sycl::memory_order order = default_read_order,
       sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const

Atomically loads the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref. The memory order of this atomic operation must be sycl::memory_order::relaxed, sycl::memory_order::acquire, or sycl::memory_order::seq_cst. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.

Cast operator to T#

operator T() const;

Equivalent to load().


T exchange(T operand,
           sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
           sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const

Atomically replaces the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref with value operand and returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


Overload 1

bool compare_exchange_weak(T& expected, T desired,
                           sycl::memory_order success,
                           sycl::memory_order failure,
                           sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically compares the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref against the value of expected. If the values are equal, attempts to replace the value of the referenced object with the value of desired; otherwise assigns the original value of the referenced object to expected.

Returns true if the comparison operation and replacement operation were successful. The failure memory order of this atomic operation must be sycl::memory_order::relaxed, sycl::memory_order::acquire or sycl::memory_order::seq_cst.

This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.

Overload 2

bool compare_exchange_weak(T& expected, T desired,
                           sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
                           sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Equivalent to compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired, order, order, scope).


Overload 1

bool compare_exchange_strong(T& expected, T desired,
                             sycl::memory_order success,
                             sycl::memory_order failure,
                             sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically compares the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref against the value of expected. If the values are equal, replaces the value of the referenced object with the value of desired; otherwise assigns the original value of the referenced object to expected.

Returns true if the comparison operation and replacement operation were successful. The failure memory order of this atomic operation must be sycl::memory_order::relaxed, sycl::memory_order::acquire or sycl::memory_order::seq_cst.

This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.

Overload 2

bool compare_exchange_strong(T& expected, T desired,
                             sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
                             sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Equivalent to compare_exchange_strong(expected, desired, order, order, scope).

Available on sycl::atomic_ref<T> object for integral T#


T fetch_add(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically adds operand to the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T operator+=(ptrdiff_t operand) const;

Equivalent to fetch_add(operand) + operand.


T operator++(int) const;

Equivalent to fetch_add(1).

T operator++() const;

Equivalent to fetch_add(1) + 1.


T fetch_sub(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically subtracts operand from the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit pointers on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T operator-=(ptrdiff_t operand) const;

Equivalent to fetch_sub(operand) - operand.


T operator--(int) const;

Equivalent to fetch_sub(1).

T operator--() const;

Equivalent to fetch_sub(1) - 1.


T fetch_or(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const

Atomically performs a bitwise AND between operand and the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref, and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T operator&=(T operand) const;

Equivalent to fetch_and(operand) & operand.


T fetch_or(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const

Atomically performs a bitwise OR between operand and the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref, and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T operator|=(T operand) const;

Equivalent to fetch_or(operand) | operand.


T fetch_xor(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const

Atomically performs a bitwise XOR between operand and the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref, and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T operator^=(T operand) const;

Equivalent to fetch_xor(operand) ^ operand.


T fetch_min(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically computes the minimum of operand and the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref, and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T fetch_max(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically computes the maximum of operand and the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref, and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.

Available on sycl::atomic_ref<T> object for floating-point T#


T fetch_add(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically adds operand to the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T operator+=(T operand) const;

Equivalent to fetch_add(operand) + operand.


T fetch_sub(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const

Atomically subtracts operand from the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T operator-=(T operand) const;

Equivalent to fetch_sub(operand) - operand.


T fetch_min(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically computes the minimum of operand and the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref, and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T fetch_max(T operand,
            sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
            sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically computes the maximum of operand and the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref, and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit data types on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.

Available on sycl::atomic_ref<T*> object#


T* fetch_add(ptrdiff_t operand,
             sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
             sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically adds operand to the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit pointers on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T* operator+=(ptrdiff_t operand) const;

Equivalent to fetch_add(operand) + operand.


T* operator++(int) const;

Equivalent to fetch_add(1).

T* operator++() const;

Equivalent to fetch_add(1) + 1.


T* fetch_sub(ptrdiff_t operand,
             sycl::memory_order order = default_read_modify_write_order,
             sycl::memory_scope scope = default_scope) const;

Atomically subtracts operand from the value of the object referenced by this sycl::atomic_ref and assigns the result to the value of the referenced object. Returns the original value of the referenced object. This function is only supported for 64-bit pointers on devices that have sycl::aspect::atomic64.


T* operator-=(ptrdiff_t operand) const;

Equivalent to fetch_sub(operand) - operand.


T* operator--(int) const;

Equivalent to fetch_sub(1).

T* operator--() const;

Equivalent to fetch_sub(1) - 1.


Thread-safe push/pop using atomic operations.#
 1#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
 3#include <iomanip>
 4#include <iostream>
 6const int lsize = 10;
 8// Allows concurrent push or concurrent pop, but not both
 9struct List {
10  // Points to free spot on list
11  int *top;
12  int *data;
14  sycl::atomic_ref<int *, sycl::memory_order::relaxed,
15                   sycl::memory_scope::work_group>
16      atomic_top;
18  List(sycl::queue q, int size) : atomic_top(top) {
19    data = sycl::malloc_shared<int>(size, q);
20    top = data;
21  };
23  bool empty() { return top == data; };
25  void push(int val) {
26    // Allocate space by moving top pointer to right
27    int *old_top = atomic_top.fetch_add(1);
28    *old_top = val;
29  };
31  auto pop() {
32    // Deallocate space by moving top pointer to left
33    int *old_top = atomic_top.fetch_add(-1);
34    return *(old_top - 1);
35  };
38int main() {
39  sycl::queue q;
41  auto in = new (sycl::malloc_shared<List>(1, q)) List(q, lsize);
42  auto out = new (sycl::malloc_shared<List>(1, q)) List(q, lsize);
44  q.parallel_for(lsize, [=](auto idx) { in->push(idx); }).wait();
46  q.parallel_for(lsize, [=](auto idx) {
47     out->push(idx * 100 + in->pop());
48   }).wait();
50  std::cout << "Out:\n" << std::setfill('0');
51  while (!out->empty())
52    std::cout << std::setw(3) << out->pop() << "\n";