Common functions#

In SYCL the OpenCL common functions are available in the namespace sycl on host and device as defined in the OpenCL 1.2 specification document par. 6.12.4.

The function descriptions in this section use the term generic floating point type to represent the following types:

  • float

  • double

  • half

  • sycl::marray<float, N>

  • sycl::marray<double, N>

  • sycl::marray<half, N>

  • sycl::vec<float, N>

  • sycl::vec<double, N>

  • sycl::vec<half, N>

  • __swizzled_vec__ that is convertible to sycl::vec<float, N>

  • __swizzled_vec__ that is convertible to sycl::vec<double, N>

  • __swizzled_vec__ that is convertible to sycl::vec<half, N>


Overload 1

template<typename GenFloat1, typename GenFloat2, typename GenFloat3>
/*return-type*/ clamp(GenFloat1 x, GenFloat2 minval, GenFloat3 maxval);

Available only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • GenFloat1 is a generic floating point type as defined above;

  • If GenFloat1 is not sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 and GenFloat3 must be the same as GenFloat1;

  • If GenFloat1 is sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 and GenFloat3 must also be sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, and all three must have the same element type and the same number of elements.

If the inputs are scalars, the value of minval must be less than or equal to the value of maxval. If the inputs are not scalars, each element of minval must be less than or equal to the corresponding element of maxval.

When the inputs are scalars, returns sycl::fmin(fmax(x, minval), maxval). Otherwise, returns sycl::fmin(fmax(x[i], minval[i]), maxval[i]) for each element of x, minval, and maxval.

The return type is GenFloat1 unless GenFloat1 is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.

Overload 2

template<typename NonScalar>
/*return-type*/ clamp(NonScalar x, NonScalar::value_type minval,
                      NonScalar::value_type maxval);

Available only if NonScalar is sycl::marray, sycl::vec, or the __swizzled_vec__ type and is a generic floating point type as defined above.

The value of minval must be less than or equal to the value of maxval.

Returns sycl::fmin(fmax(x[i], minval), maxval) for each element of x.

The return type is NonScalar unless NonScalar is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.


template<typename GenFloat>
/*return-type*/ degrees(GenFloat radians);

Available only if GenFloat is a generic floating point type as defined above.

Converts radians to degrees.

When the inputs are scalars, returns (180 / π) * radians. Otherwise, returns (180 / π) * radians[i] for each element of radians.

The return type is GenFloat unless GenFloat is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.


Overload 1

template<typename GenFloat1, typename GenFloat2>
/*return-type*/ max(GenFloat1 x, GenFloat2 y);

Available only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • GenFloat1 is a generic floating point type as defined above;

  • If GenFloat1 is not sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 must be the same as GenFloat1;

  • If GenFloat1 is sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 must also be sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, and both must have the same element type and the same number of elements.

When the inputs are scalars, x and y must not be infinite or NaN. When the inputs are not scalars, no element of x or y may be infinite or NaN.

When the inputs are scalars, returns y if x < y otherwise x. When the inputs are not scalars, returns y[i] if x[i] < y[i] otherwise x[i] for each element of x and y.

The return type is GenFloat1 unless GenFloat1 is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.

Overload 2

template<typename NonScalar>
/*return-type*/ max(NonScalar x, NonScalar::value_type y);

Available only if NonScalar is sycl::marray, sycl::vec, or the __swizzled_vec__ type and is a generic floating point type as defined above.

No element of x may be infinite or NaN. The value of y must not be infinite or NaN.

Returns y if x[i] < y otherwise x[i] for each element of x.

The return type is NonScalar unless NonScalar is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.


Overload 1

template<typename GenFloat1, typename GenFloat2>
/*return-type*/ min(GenFloat1 x, GenFloat2 y);

Available only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • GenFloat1 is a generic floating point type as defined above;

  • If GenFloat1 is not sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 must be the same as GenFloat1;

  • If GenFloat1 is sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 must also be sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, and both must have the same element type and the same number of elements.

When the inputs are scalars, x and y must not be infinite or NaN. When the inputs are not scalars, no element of x or y may be infinite or NaN.

When the inputs are scalars, returns y if y < x otherwise x. When the inputs are not scalars, returns y[i] if y[i] < x[i] otherwise x[i] for each element of x and y.

The return type is GenFloat1 unless GenFloat1 is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.

Overload 2

template<typename NonScalar>
/*return-type*/ min(NonScalar x, NonScalar::value_type y);

Available only if NonScalar is sycl::marray, sycl::vec, or the __swizzled_vec__ type and is a generic floating point type as defined above.

No element of x may be infinite or NaN. The value of y must not be infinite or NaN.

Returns y if y < x[i] otherwise x[i] for each element of x.

The return type is NonScalar unless NonScalar is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.


Overload 1

template<typename GenFloat1, typename GenFloat2, typename GenFloat3>
/*return-type*/ mix(GenFloat1 x, GenFloat2 y, GenFloat3 a);

Available only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • GenFloat1 is a generic floating point type as defined above;

  • If GenFloat1 is not sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 and GenFloat3 must be the same as GenFloat1;

  • If GenFloat1 is sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 and GenFloat3 must also be sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, and all three must have the same element type and the same number of elements.

If the inputs are scalars, the value of a must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. If the inputs are not scalars, each element of a must be in the range [0.0, 1.0].

Returns the linear blend of x and y. When the inputs are scalars, returns x + (y - x) * a. Otherwise, returns x[i] + (y[i] - x[i]) * a[i] for each element of x, y, and a.

The return type is GenFloat1 unless GenFloat1 is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.

Overload 2

template<typename NonScalar1, typename NonScalar2>
/*return-type*/ mix(NonScalar1 x, NonScalar2 y, NonScalar1::value_type a);

Available only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • NonScalar1 is sycl::marray, sycl::vec, or the __swizzled_vec__ type and is a generic floating point type as defined above;

  • If NonScalar1 is not sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then NonScalar2 must be the same as NonScalar1;

  • If NonScalar1 is sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then NonScalar2 must also be sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, and both must have the same element type and the same number of elements.

The value of a must be in the range [0.0, 1.0].

Returns the linear blend of x and y, computed as x[i] + (y[i] - x[i]) * a for each element of x and y.

The return type is NonScalar1 unless NonScalar1 is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.


template<typename GenFloat>
/*return-type*/ radians(GenFloat degrees);

Available only if GenFloat is a generic floating point type as defined above.

Converts degrees to radians.

When the inputs are scalars, returns / 180) * degrees. Otherwise, returns / 180) * degrees[i] for each element of degrees.

The return type is GenFloat unless GenFloat is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.


Overload 1

template<typename GenFloat1, typename GenFloat2>
/*return-type*/ step(GenFloat1 edge, GenFloat2 x);

Available only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • GenFloat1 is a generic floating point type as defined above;

  • If GenFloat1 is not sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 must be the same as GenFloat1;

  • If GenFloat1 is sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 must also be sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, and both must have the same element type and the same number of elements.

When the inputs are scalars, returns the value (x < edge) ? 0.0 : 1.0. When the inputs are not scalars, returns the value (x[i] < edge[i]) ? 0.0 : 1.0 for each element of x and edge.

The return type is GenFloat1 unless GenFloat1 is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.

Overload 2

template<typename NonScalar>
/*return-type*/ step(NonScalar::value_type edge, NonScalar x);

Available only if NonScalar is sycl::marray, sycl::vec, or the __swizzled_vec__ type and is a generic floating point type as defined above.

No element of x may be infinite or NaN. The value of y must not be infinite or NaN.

The value (x[i] < edge) ? 0.0 : 1.0 for each element of x.

The return type is NonScalar unless NonScalar is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.


Overload 1

template<typename GenFloat1, typename GenFloat2, typename GenFloat3>
/*return-type*/ smoothstep(GenFloat1 edge0, GenFloat2 edge1, GenFloat3 x);

Available only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • GenFloat1 is a generic floating point type as defined above;

  • If GenFloat1 is not sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 and GenFloat3 must be the same as GenFloat1;

  • If GenFloat1 is sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, then GenFloat2 and GenFloat3 must also be sycl::vec or the __swizzled_vec__ type, and all three must have the same element type and the same number of elements.

If the inputs are scalar, edge0 must be less than edge1 and none of edge0, edge1, or x may be NaN. If the inputs are not scalar, each element of edge0 must be less than the corresponding element of edge1 and no element of edge0, edge1, or x may be NaN.

When the inputs are scalars, returns 0.0 if x <= edge0 and 1.0 if x >= edge1 and performs smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1 when edge0 < x < edge1. This is useful in cases where you would want a threshold function with a smooth transition. This is equivalent to:

GenFloat1 t;
t = sycl::clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0, 1);
return t * t * (3 - 2 * t);

When the inputs are not scalars, returns the following value for each element of edge0, edge1, and x:

GenFloat1::value_type t;
t = sycl::clamp((x[i] - edge0[i]) / (edge1[i] - edge0[i]), 0, 1);
return t * t * (3 - 2 * t);

The return type is GenFloat1 unless GenFloat1 is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.

Overload 2

template<typename NonScalar>
/*return-type*/ smoothstep(NonScalar::value_type edge0,
                           NonScalar::value_type edge1,
                           NonScalar x);

Available only if NonScalar is sycl::marray, sycl::vec, or the __swizzled_vec__ type and is a generic floating point type as defined above.

The value of edge0 must be less than edge1 and neither edge0 nor edge1 may be NaN. No element of x may be NaN.

Returns the following value for each element of x:

NonScalar::value_type t;
t = sycl::clamp((x[i] - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0, 1);
return t * t * (3 - 2 * t);

The return type is NonScalar unless NonScalar is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.


template<typename GenFloat>
/*return-type*/ sign(GenFloat x);

Available only if GenFloat is a generic floating point type as defined above.

When the input is scalar, returns 1.0 if x > 0, -0.0 if x == -0.0, +0.0 if x == +0.0, -1.0 if x < 0, or 0.0 if x is a NaN. When the input is not scalar, returns these values for each element of x.

The return type is GenFloat unless GenFloat is the __swizzled_vec__ type, in which case the return type is the corresponding sycl::vec.