
class interop_handle;

The sycl::interop_handle class is an abstraction over the sycl::queue which is being used to invoke the Host task concept and its associated sycl::device and sycl::context. It also represents the state of the SYCL runtime dependency model at the point the host task is invoked.

The sycl::interop_handle class provides access to the native backend object associated with the sycl::queue, sycl::device, sycl::context and any buffers or images that are captured in the callable being invoked in order to allow a host task to be used for interoperability purposes.

An sycl::interop_handle cannot be constructed by user-code, only by the SYCL runtime.


Constructor 1


Private implementation-defined constructor with unspecified arguments so that the SYCL runtime can construct a sycl::interop_handle.

Constructor 2

interop_handle() = delete;

Explicitly deleted default constructor.

Member functions#


sycl::backend get_backend() const noexcept;

Returns: Returns a sycl::backend identifying the SYCL backend associated with the sycl::queue associated with this sycl::interop_handle.

Template member functions get_native_*#


template <sycl::backend Backend, typename DataT, int Dims, sycl::access_mode AccMode,
              sycl::target AccTarget, sycl::access::placeholder IsPlaceholder>
    sycl::backend_return_t<Backend, sycl::buffer<DataT, Dims>>
    get_native_mem(const sycl::accessor<DataT, Dims, AccMode, AccTarget,
                                  IsPlaceholder>& bufferAcc) const;

Constraints: Available only if the optional interoperability function sycl::get_native taking a sycl:buffer is available and if sycl::accTarget is sycl::target::device.

Returns: The native backend object associated with the underlying sycl::buffer of accessor sycl::bufferAcc. The native backend object returned must be in a state where it represents the memory in its current state within the SYCL runtime dependency model and is capable of being used in a way appropriate for the associated SYCL backend. It is undefined behavior to use the native backend object outside of the scope of the host task.

Throws: An sycl::exception with the sycl::errc::invalid error code if the accessor sycl::bufferAcc was not registered with the command group which contained the host task. Must throw an sycl::exception with the sycl::errc::backend_mismatch error code if Backend != sycl::get_backend().

template <sycl::backend Backend, typename DataT, int Dims, sycl::access_mode AccMode>
sycl::backend_return_t<Backend, sycl::unsampled_image<Dims>> get_native_mem( // (2)
    const unsampled_image_accessor<DataT, Dims, AccMode, sycl::image_target::device>&
        imageAcc) const;

Constraints: Available only if the optional interoperability function sycl::get_native taking an sycl::unsampled_image is available.

Returns: The native backend object associated with with the underlying sycl::unsampled_image of accessor sycl::imageAcc. The native backend object returned must be in a state where it represents the memory in its current state within the SYCL runtime dependency model and is capable of being used in a way appropriate for the associated SYCL backend. It is undefined behavior to use the native backend object outside of the scope of the host task.

Throws: An sycl::exception with the sycl::errc::invalid error code if the accessor sycl::imageAcc was not registered with the command group which contained the host task.

template <sycl::backend Backend, typename DataT, int Dims>
sycl::backend_return_t<Backend, sycl::sampled_image<Dims>> get_native_mem( // (3)
    const sampled_image_accessor<DataT, Dims, sycl::image_target::device>& imageAcc)

Constraints: Available only if the optional interoperability function sycl::get_native taking an sycl::sampled_image is available.

Returns: The native backend object associated with with the underlying sycl::sampled_image of accessor sycl::imageAcc. The native backend object returned must be in a state where it represents the memory in its current state within the SYCL runtime dependency model and is capable of being used in a way appropriate for the associated SYCL backend. It is undefined behavior to use the native backend object outside of the scope of the host task.

Throws: An sycl::exception with the sycl::errc::invalid error code if the accessor sycl::imageAcc was not registered with the command group which contained the host task. Must throw an sycl::exception with the errc::backend_mismatch error code if Backend != sycl::get_backend().


template <sycl::backend Backend>
sycl::backend_return_t<Backend, sycl::queue> get_native_queue() const;

Constraints: Available only if the optional interoperability function get_native taking a sycl::queue is available.

Returns: The native backend object associated with the sycl::queue that the host task was submitted to. If the command group was submitted with a secondary sycl::queue and the fall-back was triggered,the sycl::queue that is associated with the sycl::interop_handle must be the fall-back sycl::queue. The native backend object returned must be in a state where it is capable of being used in a way appropriate for the associated SYCL backend. It is undefined behavior to use the native backend object outside of the scope of the host task.

Throws: Must throw an sycl::exception with the sycl::errc::backend_mismatch error code if Backend != sycl::get_backend().


template <sycl::backend Backend>
sycl::backend_return_t<Backend, sycl::device> get_native_device() const;

Constraints: Available only if the optional interoperability function sycl::get_native taking a sycl::device is available.

Returns: The native backend object associated with the device that is associated with the sycl::queue that the host task was submitted to. The native backend object returned must be in a state where it is capable of being used in a way appropriate for the associated SYCL backend. It is undefined behavior to use the native backend object outside of the scope of the host task.

Throws: Must throw an sycl::exception with the sycl::errc::backend_mismatch error code if Backend != sycl::get_backend().


template <sycl::backend Backend>
sycl::backend_return_t<Backend, sycl::context> get_native_context() const;

Constraints: Available only if the optional interoperability function sycl::get_native taking a sycl::context is available.

Returns: The native backend object associated with the context that is associated with the sycl::queue that the host task was submitted to. The native backend object returned must be in a state where it is capable of being used in a way appropriate for the associated SYCL backend. It is undefined behavior to use the native backend object outside of the scope of the host task.

Throws: Must throw an sycl::exception with the sycl::errc::backend_mismatch error code if Backend != sycl::get_backend().