
template <int Dimensions = 1>
class nd_item;

The sycl::nd_item class identifies an instance of the function object executing at each point in an sycl::nd_range<int Dimensions> passed to a parallel_for call. It encapsulates enough information to identify the work-item's local and global ids, the work-group id and also provides access to the sycl::group and sycl::sub_group classes. Instances of the sycl::nd_item<int Dimensions> class are not user-constructible and are passed by the runtime to each instance of the function object.

See also

SYCL Specification Section

Member functions#


sycl::id<Dimensions> get_global_id() const;

Return the constituent global id representing the work-item’s position in the global iteration space.

size_t get_global_id(int dimension) const;

Return the constituent element of the global id representing the work-item’s position in the sycl::nd_range in the given dimension.


size_t get_global_linear_id() const;

Return the constituent global id as a linear index value, representing the work-item’s position in the global iteration space. The linear address is calculated from the multi-dimensional index by first subtracting the offset and then following SYCL Specification Section 3.11.1.


sycl::id<Dimensions> get_local_id() const;

Return the constituent local id representing the work-item’s position within the current work-group.

size_t get_local_id(int dimension) const;

Return the constituent element of the local id representing the work-item’s position within the current work-group in the given dimension.


size_t get_local_linear_id() const;

Return the constituent local id as a linear index value, representing the work-item’s position within the current work-group. The linear address is calculated from the multi-dimensional index following SYCL Specification Section 3.11.1.


sycl::group<Dimensions> get_group() const;

Return the constituent work-group, group representing the work-group's position within the overall nd-range.

size_t get_group(int dimension) const;

Return the constituent element of the group sycl::id representing the work-group’s position within the overall sycl::nd_range in the given dimension.


sycl::sub_group get_sub_group() const;

Return a sycl::sub_group representing the sub-group to which the work-item belongs.


size_t get_group_linear_id() const;

Return the group id as a linear index value. Calculating a linear address from a multi-dimensional index follows SYCL Specification Section 3.11.1.


sycl::range<Dimensions> get_group_range() const;

Returns the number of work-groups in the iteration space.

size_t get_group_range(int dimension) const;

Return the number of work-groups for dimension in the iteration space.


sycl::range<Dimensions> get_global_range() const;

Returns a sycl::range representing the dimensions of the global iteration space.

size_t get_global_range(int dimension) const;

Return the same value as get_global_range().get(dimension).


sycl::range<Dimensions> get_local_range() const;

Returns a sycl::range representing the dimensions of the current work-group.

size_t get_local_range(int dimension) const;

Return the same value as get_local_range().get(dimension).


sycl::id<Dimensions> get_offset() const;
  // Deprecated in SYCL 2020.

Deprecated in SYCL 2020.

Returns an id representing the n-dimensional offset provided to the constructor of the sycl::nd_range and that is added by the runtime to the global id of each work-item.


sycl::nd_range<Dimensions> get_nd_range() const;

Returns the sycl::nd_range of the current execution.


template <typename DataT>
sycl::device_event async_work_group_copy(sycl::local_ptr<DataT> dest,
                                         sycl::global_ptr<DataT> src,
                                         size_t numElements) const;

template <typename DataT>
sycl::device_event async_work_group_copy(sycl::global_ptr<DataT> dest,
                                         sycl::local_ptr<DataT> src,
                                         size_t numElements) const;

template <typename DataT>
sycl::device_event async_work_group_copy(sycl::local_ptr<DataT> dest,
                                         sycl::global_ptr<DataT> src,
                                         size_t numElements, size_t srcStride) const;

template <typename DataT>
sycl::device_event async_work_group_copy(sycl::global_ptr<DataT> dest,
                                         sycl::local_ptr<DataT> src,
                                         size_t numElements, size_t destStride) const;

All four async_work_group_copy functions listed above are deprecated in SYCL 2020. Has the same effect as the overload taking sycl::decorated_local_ptr and sycl::decorated_global_ptr except that the dest and src parameters are sycl::multi_ptr with sycl::access::decorated::legacy.

template <typename DestDataT, typename SrcDataT>
sycl::device_event async_work_group_copy(sycl::decorated_global_ptr<DestDataT> dest,
                                         sycl::decorated_local_ptr<SrcDataT> src,
                                         size_t numElements) const;

template <typename DestDataT, typename SrcDataT>
sycl::device_event async_work_group_copy(sycl::decorated_local_ptr<DestDataT> dest,
                                         sycl::decorated_global_ptr<SrcDataT> src,
                                         size_t numElements, size_t srcStride) const;

template <typename DestDataT, SrcDataT>
sycl::device_event async_work_group_copy(sycl::decorated_global_ptr<DestDataT> dest,
                                         sycl::decorated_local_ptr<SrcDataT> src,
                                         size_t numElements, size_t destStride) const;

All three functions above are available only when: (std::is_same_v<DestDataT, std::remove_const_t<SrcDataT>> == true)

Permitted types for DataT are all scalar and vector types. Asynchronously copies a number of elements specified by numElements from the source pointer src to destination pointer dest with a destination stride specified by destStride and returns a sycl::device_event which can be used to wait on the completion of the copy.


template <typename... EventTN> void wait_for(EventTN... events) const;

Permitted type for EventTN is sycl::device_event. Waits for the asynchronous operations associated with each sycl::device_event to complete.