Math array types#

SYCL provides an marray<typename DataT, std::size_t NumElements> class template to represent a contiguous fixed-size container. This type allows sharing of containers between the host and its SYCL devices.

The sycl::marray class is templated on its element type and number of elements. The number of elements parameter, NumElements, is a positive value of the std::size_t type. The element type parameter, DataT, must be a numeric type as it is defined by C++ standard.

An instance of the sycl::marray class template can also be implicitly converted to an instance of the data type when the number of elements is 1 in order to allow single element arrays and scalars to be convertible with each other.

Logical and comparison operators for sycl::marray class template return marray<bool, NumElements>.

See also

SYCL Specification Section 4.14.3


template <typename DataT, std::size_t NumElements>
class marray;


Constructor 1


Default construct an array with element type DataT and with NumElements dimensions by default construction of each of its elements.

Constructor 2

explicit constexpr marray(const DataT& arg);

Construct an array of element type DataT and NumElements dimensions by setting each value to arg by assignment.

Constructor 3

template <typename... ArgTN>
constexpr marray(const ArgTN&... args);

Construct a SYCL sycl::marray instance from any combination of scalar and SYCL sycl::marray parameters of the same element type, providing the total number of elements for all parameters sum to NumElements of this sycl::marray specialization.

Constructor 4

constexpr marray(const marray<DataT, NumElements>& rhs);

Construct an array of element type DataT and number of elements NumElements by copy from another similar vector.

Constructor 5

constexpr marray(marray<DataT, NumElements>&& rhs);

Construct an array of element type DataT and number of elements NumElements by moving from another similar vector.

Member functions#


operator DataT() const

Available only when: NumElements == 1.

Converts this SYCL sycl::marray instance to an instance of DataT with the value of the single element in this SYCL sycl::marray instance.

The SYCL sycl::marray instance shall be implicitly convertible to the same data types, to which DataT is implicitly convertible. Note that conversion operator shall not be templated to allow standard conversion sequence for implicit conversion.


static constexpr std::size_t size() noexcept

Returns the size of this SYCL sycl::marray in bytes.


DataT& operator[](std::size_t index);

Returns a reference to the element stored within this SYCL sycl::marray at the index specified by index.

const DataT& operator[](std::size_t index) const

Returns a reference to the element stored within this SYCL sycl::marray at the index specified by index.


sycl::marray& operator=(const sycl::marray& rhs);

Assign each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::marray to each element of this SYCL sycl::marray and return a reference to this SYCL sycl::marray.

sycl::marray& operator=(const DataT& rhs);

Assign each element of the rhs scalar to each element of this SYCL sycl::marray and return a reference to this SYCL sycl::marray.


iterator begin();

Returns an iterator referring to the first element stored within the sycl::marray.

const_iterator begin() const

Returns a const iterator referring to the first element stored within the sycl::marray.


iterator end();

Returns an iterator referring to the one past the last element stored within the sycl::marray.

const_iterator end() const

Returns a const iterator referring to the one past the last element stored within the sycl::marray.

Hidden friend functions#


sycl::marray operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

If OP is %, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as lhs marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP arithmetic operation between each element of lhs marray and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::marray.

Where OP is: +, -, *, /, %.

sycl::marray operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

If OP is %, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as lhs marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP arithmetic operation between each element of lhs marray and the rhs scalar.

Where OP is: +, -, *, /, %.

sycl::marray& operatorOP(sycl::marray& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

If OP is %=, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP arithmetic operation between each element of lhs marray and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::marray and return lhs marray.

Where OP is: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=.

sycl::marray& operatorOP(sycl::marray& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

If OP is %=, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP arithmetic operation between each element of lhs marray and rhs scalar and return lhs marray.

Where OP is: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=.

sycl::marray& operatorOP(sycl::marray& v);

Perform an in-place element-wise OP prefix arithmetic operation on each element of v marray, assigning the result of each element to the corresponding element of v marray and return v marray.

Where OP is: ++, --.

sycl::marray operatorOP(sycl::marray& v, int);

Perform an in-place element-wise OP postfix arithmetic operation on each element of v marray, assigning the result of each element to the corresponding element of v marray and returns a copy of v marray before the operation is performed.

Where OP is: ++, --.

sycl::marray operatorOP(sycl::marray& v);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as this SYCL sycl::marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP unary arithmetic operation on each element of this SYCL sycl::marray.

Where OP is: +, -.

sycl::marray operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as lhs marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP bitwise operation between each element of lhs marray and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::marray.

Where OP is: &, |, ^.

sycl::marray operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as lhs marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP bitwise operation between each element of lhs marray and the rhs scalar.

Where OP is: &, |, ^.

sycl::marray& operatorOP(sycl::marray& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP bitwise operation between each element of lhs marray and the rhs SYCL sycl::marray and return lhs marray.

Where OP is: &=, |=, ^=.

sycl::marray& operatorOP(sycl::marray& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP bitwise operation between each element of lhs marray and the rhs scalar and return a lhs marray.

Where OP is: &=, |=, ^=.

sycl::marray<bool, NumElements> operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the sycl::marray class template with DataT = bool and same NumElements as lhs marray with each element of the new sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP logical operation between each element of lhs marray and each element of the rhs marray.

Where OP is: &&, ||.

sycl::marray<bool, NumElements>
operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the sycl::marray class template with DataT = bool and same NumElements as lhs marray with each element of the new sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP logical operation between each element of lhs marray and the rhs scalar.

Where OP is: &&, ||.

sycl::marray operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as lhs marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP bitshift operation between each element of lhs marray and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::marray. If OP is >>, DataT is a signed type and lhs marray has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is: <<, >>.

sycl::marray operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs,
  const DataT& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as lhs marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP bitshift operation between each element of lhs marray and the rhs scalar. If OP is >>, DataT is a signed type and lhs marray has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is: <<, >>.

sycl::marray& operatorOP(sycl::marray& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP bitshift operation between each element of lhs marray and the rhs SYCL sycl::marray and returns lhs marray. If OP is >>=, DataT is a signed type and lhs marray has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is: <<=, >>=.

sycl::marray& operatorOP(sycl::marray& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP bitshift operation between each element of lhs marray and the rhs scalar and returns a reference to this SYCL sycl::marray. If OP is >>=, DataT is a signed type and lhs marray has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is: <<=, >>=.

sycl::marray<bool, NumElements>
  operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the sycl::marray class template with DataT = bool and same NumElements as lhs marray with each element of the new sycl::marray instance is the result of an element-wise OP relational operation between each element of lhs marray and each element of the rhs marray. The ==, <, >, <= and >= operations result in false if either the lhs element or the rhs element is a NaN. The != operation results in true if either the lhs element or the rhs element is a NaN.

Where OP is: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=.

sycl::marray<bool, NumElements> operatorOP(const sycl::marray& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the sycl::marray class template with DataT = bool and same NumElements as lhs marray with each element of the new sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP relational operation between each element of lhs marray and the rhs scalar. The ==, <, >, <= and >= operations result in false if either the lhs element or the rhs is a NaN. The != operation results in true if either the lhs element or the rhs is a NaN.

Where OP is: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=.

sycl::marray operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

If OP is %, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as the rhs SYCL sycl::marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP arithmetic operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::marray.

Where OP is: +, -, *, /, %.

sycl::marray operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as the rhs SYCL sycl::marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP bitwise operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::marray.

Where OP is: &, |, ^.

sycl::marray<bool, NumElements> operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the sycl::marray class template with DataT = bool and same NumElements as rhs marray with each element of the new sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP logical operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs marray.

Where OP is: &&, ||.

sycl::marray operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as the rhs SYCL sycl::marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP bitshift operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::marray. If OP is >>, DataT is a signed type and this SYCL sycl::marray has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is: <<, >>.

sycl::marray<bool, NumElements> operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::marray& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the sycl::marray class template with DataT = bool and same NumElements as rhs marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP relational operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs marray. The ==, <, >, <= and >= operations result in false if either the lhs or the rhs element is a NaN. The != operation results in true if either the lhs or the rhs element is a NaN.

Where OP is: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=.

sycl::marray& operator~(const sycl::marray& v);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::marray class template with the same template parameters as v marray with each element of the new SYCL sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise OP bitwise operation on each element of v marray.

sycl::marray<bool, NumElements> operator!(const sycl::marray& v);

Construct a new instance of the sycl::marray class template with DataT = bool and same NumElements as v marray with each element of the new sycl::marray instance the result of an element-wise logical ! operation on each element of v marray.


The SYCL programming API provides all permutations of the type alias:

using m<type><elems> = marray<<storage-type>, <elems>>

where <elems> is 2, 3, 4, 8 and 16, and pairings of <type> and <storage-type> for integral types are char and int8_t, uchar and uint8_t, short and int16_t, ushort and uint16_t, int and int32_t, uint and uint32_t, long and int64_t, ulong and uint64_t, for floating point types are both half, float and double, and for boolean type bool.

For example muint4 is the alias to marray<uint32_t, 4> and mfloat16 is the alias to marray<float, 16>.

Memory layout and alignment#

The elements of an instance of the sycl::marray class template as if stored in std::array<DataT, NumElements>.