Reduction Variables#

All functionality related to reductions is captured by the sycl::reducer class and the reduction function.

The example below demonstrates how to write a reduction kernel that performs two reductions simultaneously on the same input values, computing both the sum of all values in a buffer and the maximum value in the buffer. For each reduction variable passed to parallel_for, a reference to a sycl::reducer object is passed as a parameter to the kernel function in the same order.

buffer<int> valuesBuf { 1024 };
  // Initialize buffer on the host with 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 1023
  host_accessor a { valuesBuf };
  std::iota(a.begin(), a.end(), 0);

// Buffers with just 1 element to get the reduction results
int sumResult = 0;
buffer<int> sumBuf { &sumResult, 1 };
int maxResult = 0;
buffer<int> maxBuf { &maxResult, 1 };

myQueue.submit([&](handler& cgh) {
  // Input values to reductions are standard accessors
  auto inputValues = valuesBuf.get_access<access_mode::read>(cgh);

  // Create temporary objects describing variables with reduction semantics
  auto sumReduction = reduction(sumBuf, cgh, plus<>());
  auto maxReduction = reduction(maxBuf, cgh, maximum<>());

  // parallel_for performs two reduction operations
  // For each reduction variable, the implementation:
  // - Creates a corresponding reducer
  // - Passes a reference to the reducer to the lambda as a parameter
  cgh.parallel_for(range<1> { 1024 }, sumReduction, maxReduction,
                   [=](id<1> idx, auto& sum, auto& max) {
                     // plus<>() corresponds to += operator, so sum can be
                     // updated via += or combine()
                     sum += inputValues[idx];

                     // maximum<>() has no shorthand operator, so max can only
                     // be updated via combine()

// sumBuf and maxBuf contain the reduction results once the kernel completes
assert(maxBuf.get_host_access()[0] == 1023 &&
       sumBuf.get_host_access()[0] == 523776);

Reductions are supported for all trivially copyable types (as defined by the C++ core language). If the reduction operator is non-associative or non-commutative, the behavior of a reduction may be non-deterministic. If multiple reductions reference the same reduction variable, or a reduction variable is accessed directly during the lifetime of a reduction (e.g. via an sycl::accessor or USM pointer), the behavior is undefined.

Some of the overloads for the reduction function take an identity value and some do not. An implementation is required to compute a correct reduction even when the application does not specify an identity value. However, the implementation may be more efficient when the identity value is either provided by the application or is known by the implementation. For reductions using standard binary operators and fundamental types (e.g. plus and arithmetic types), an implementation can determine the correct identity value automatically in order to avoid performance penalties.

If an implementation can identify an identity value for a given combination of accumulator type and function object type, the value is defined as a member of the known_identity trait class. Whether this member value exists can be tested using the has_known_identity trait class.

template <typename BinaryOperation, typename AccumulatorT>
struct known_identity {
  static constexpr AccumulatorT value;

template <typename BinaryOperation, typename AccumulatorT>
inline constexpr AccumulatorT known_identity_v =
    known_identity<BinaryOperation, AccumulatorT>::value;

template <typename BinaryOperation, typename AccumulatorT>
struct has_known_identity {
  static constexpr bool value;

template <typename BinaryOperation, typename AccumulatorT>
inline constexpr bool has_known_identity_v =
    has_known_identity<BinaryOperation, AccumulatorT>::value;

Known identities#


Available Only When



std::is_arithmetic_v<AccumulatorT> || std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<AccumulatorT>, sycl::half>



std::is_arithmetic_v<AccumulatorT> || std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<AccumulatorT>, sycl::half>












std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<AccumulatorT>, bool>



std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<AccumulatorT>, bool>






std::is_floating_point_v<AccumulatorT> || std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<AccumulatorT>, sycl::half>






std::is_floating_point_v<AccumulatorT> || std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<AccumulatorT>, sycl::half>


The reduction interface is limited to reduction variables whose size can be determined at compile-time. As such, sycl::buffer and USM pointer arguments are interpreted by the reduction interface as describing a single variable. A reduction operation associated with a span represents an array reduction. An array reduction of size N is functionally equivalent to specifying N independent scalar reductions. The combination operations performed by an array reduction are limited to the extent of a USM allocation described by a span, and access to elements outside of these regions results in undefined behavior.

Known identities#

The reduction interface is used to attach reduction semantics to a variable, by specifying: the reduction variable, the reduction operator and an optional identity value associated with the operator. The return value of the reduction interface is an implementation-defined object of unspecified type, which is interpreted by parallel_for to construct an appropriate reducer type as detailed in SYCL Specification Section An implementation may use an unspecified number of temporary variables inside of any sycl::reducer objects it creates. If an identity value is supplied to a reduction, an implementation will use that value to initialize any such temporary variables.

The initial value of the reduction variable is included in the reduction operation, unless the property::reduction::initialize_to_identity property was specified when the reduction interface was invoked.

The reduction variable is updated so as to contain the result of the reduction when the kernel finishes execution.

template <typename BufferT, typename BinaryOperation>
__unspecified__ reduction(BufferT vars, handler& cgh, BinaryOperation combiner,
                          const property_list& propList = {});

template <typename T, typename BinaryOperation>
__unspecified__ reduction(T* var, BinaryOperation combiner,
                          const property_list& propList = {});

template <typename T, typename Extent, typename BinaryOperation>
__unspecified__ reduction(span<T, Extent> vars, BinaryOperation combiner,
                          const property_list& propList = {});

template <typename BufferT, typename BinaryOperation>
reduction(BufferT vars, handler& cgh, const BufferT::value_type& identity,
          BinaryOperation combiner, const property_list& propList = {});

template <typename T, typename BinaryOperation>
__unspecified__ reduction(T* var, const T& identity, BinaryOperation combiner,
                          const property_list& propList = {});

template <typename T, typename Extent, typename BinaryOperation>
__unspecified__ reduction(span<T, Extent> vars, const T& identity,
                          BinaryOperation combiner,
                          const property_list& propList = {});

Overloads of the reduction interface#


reduction<BufferT, BinaryOperation>(BufferT vars, handler& cgh,
                                    BinaryOperation combiner,
                                    const property_list& propList = {})

Construct an unspecified object representing a reduction of the variable(s) described by vars using the combination operation specified by combiner. Zero or more properties can be provided via an instance of sycl::property_list. Throws an exception with the sycl::errc::invalid error code if the range of the vars buffer is not 1.

reduction<T, BinaryOperation>(T* var, BinaryOperation combiner,
                            const property_list& propList = {})

Construct an unspecified object representing a reduction of the variable described by var using the combination operation specified by combiner. Zero or more properties can be provided via an instance of sycl::property_list.

reduction<T, BinaryOperation>(span<T, Extent> vars, BinaryOperation combiner,
                            const property_list& propList = {})

Available only when Extent != sycl::dynamic_extent. Construct an unspecified object representing a reduction of the variable(s) described by vars using the combination operation specified by combiner. Zero or more properties can be provided via an instance of sycl::property_list.

reduction<BufferT, BinaryOperation>(BufferT vars, handler& cgh,
                                  const BufferT::value_type& identity,
                                  BinaryOperation combiner,
                                  const property_list& propList = {})

Construct an unspecified object representing a reduction of the variable(s) described by vars using the combination operation specified by combiner. The value of identity may be used by the implementation to initialize an unspecified number of temporary accumulation variables. Zero or more properties can be provided via an instance of sycl::property_list. Throws an exception with the sycl::errc::invalid error code if the range of the vars buffer is not 1.

reduction<T, BinaryOperation>(T* var, const T& identity,
                            BinaryOperation combiner,
                            const property_list& propList = {})

Construct an unspecified object representing a reduction of the variable described by var using the combination operation specified by combiner. The value of identity may be used by the implementation to initialize an unspecified number of temporary accumulation variables. Zero or more properties can be provided via an instance of sycl::property_list.

reduction<T, BinaryOperation>(span<T, Extent> vars, const T& identity,
                            BinaryOperation combiner,
                            const property_list& propList = {})

Available only when Extent != sycl::dynamic_extent. Construct an unspecified object representing a reduction of the variable(s) described by vars using the combination operation specified by combiner. The value of identity may be used by the implementation to initialize an unspecified number of temporary accumulation variables. Zero or more properties can be provided via an instance of sycl::property_list.

Reduction properties#



The initialize_to_identity property adds the requirement that the SYCL runtime must initialize the reduction variable to the identity value passed to the reduction interface, or to the identity value determined by the known_identity trait if no identity value was specified. If no identity value was specified and an identity value cannot be determined by the known_identity trait, the compiler must raise a diagnostic. When this property is set, the original value of the reduction variable is not included in the reduction.

Constructors of the reduction property classes#


Constructs an initialize_to_identity property instance.

reducer class#

// Exposition only
template <typename T, typename BinaryOperation, int Dimensions,
          /* unspecified */>
class reducer;

The sycl::reducer class defines the interface between a work-item and a reduction variable during the execution of a SYCL kernel, restricting access to the underlying reduction variable. The intermediate values of a reduction variable cannot be inspected during kernel execution, and the variable cannot be updated using anything other than the reduction’s specified combination operation. The combination order of different reducers is unspecified, as are when and how the value of each reducer is combined with the original reduction variable.

An implementation must guarantee that it is safe for multiple work-items in a kernel to call the combine function of a sycl::reducer concurrently. An implementation is free to re-use reducer variables (e.g. across work-groups scheduled to the same compute unit) if it can guarantee that it is safe to do so.

Member types and constants of the sycl::reducer class#


The data type of the reduction variable. If this reducer object was created from a buffer type BufferT, this type is BufferT::value_type. If this reducer object was created from a USM pointer T* or a span span<T, Extent>, this type is T.


The type of the combiner operator BinaryOperation that was passed to the reduction function that created this reducer object.

static constexpr int dimensions

The number of dimensions of the reduction variable. If this reducer object was created from a buffer or a USM pointer, the number of dimensions is 0. If this reducer object was created from a span, the number of dimensions is 1.

Member functions of the sycl::reducer class#


sycl::reducer& combine(const T& partial)

Available only when: Dimensions == 0. Combine the value of partial with the reduction variable associated with this sycl::reducer. Returns *this.


__unspecified__ operator[](size_t index)

Available only when: Dimensions > 0. Returns an instance of an undefined intermediate type representing a sycl::reducer of the same type as this sycl::reducer, with the dimensionality Dimensions-1 and containing an implicit SYCL id with index Dimensions set to index. The intermediate type returned must provide all member functions and operators defined by the sycl::reducer class that are appropriate for the type it represents (including this subscript operator).


T identity() const

Return the identity value of the combination operation associated with this sycl::reducer. Only available if the identity value is known to the implementation.

Hidden friend operators of the reducer class#


sycl::reducer& operator+=(sycl::reducer& accum, const T& partial)

Equivalent to calling accum.combine(partial). Available only when: Dimensions == 0 && (std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, plus<>> || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, plus<T>>).


sycl::reducer& operator*=(sycl::reducer& accum, const T& partial)

Equivalent to calling accum.combine(partial). Available only when: Dimensions == 0 && (std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, multiplies<>> || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, multiplies<T>>).


sycl::reducer& operator&=(sycl::reducer& accum, const T& partial)

Equivalent to calling accum.combine(partial). Available only when: Dimensions == 0 && is_integral_v<T> && (std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, bit_and<>> || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, bit_and<T>>).


sycl::reducer& operator|=(sycl::reducer& accum, const T& partial)

Equivalent to calling accum.combine(partial). Available only when: Dimensions == 0 && is_integral_v<T> && (std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, bit_or<>> || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, bit_or<T>>).


sycl::reducer& operator^=(sycl::reducer& accum, const T& partial)

Equivalent to calling accum.combine(partial). Available only when: Dimensions == 0 && is_integral_v<T> && (std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, bit_xor<>> | std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, bit_xor<T>>).


sycl::reducer& operator++(sycl::reducer& accum)

Equivalent to calling accum.combine(1). Available only when: Dimensions == 0 && std::is_integral_v<T> && !std::is_same_v<T, bool> && (std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, plus<>> || std::is_same_v<BinaryOperation, plus<T>>).