Vector types#

SYCL provides a cross-platform class template that works efficiently on SYCL devices as well as in host C++ code. This type allows sharing of vectors between the host and its SYCL devices. The vector supports member functions that allow construction of a new vector from a swizzled set of component elements.

The sycl::vec class is templated on its number of elements and its element type. The number of elements parameter, NumElements, can be one of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 16. Any other value shall produce a compilation failure. The element type parameter, DataT, must be one of the basic scalar types supported in device code.

The SYCL sycl::vec class template provides interoperability with the underlying vector type defined by vector_t which is available only when compiled for the device. The SYCL sycl::vec class can be constructed from an instance of vector_t and can implicitly convert to an instance of vector_t in order to support interoperability with native SYCL backend functions from a SYCL kernel function.

An instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template can also be implicitly converted to an instance of the data type when the number of elements is 1 in order to allow single element vectors and scalars to be convertible with each other.


enum class rounding_mode {


struct elem {
    static constexpr int x = 0;
    static constexpr int y = 1;
    static constexpr int z = 2;
    static constexpr int w = 3;
    static constexpr int r = 0;
    static constexpr int g = 1;
    static constexpr int b = 2;
    static constexpr int a = 3;
    static constexpr int s0 = 0;
    static constexpr int s1 = 1;
    static constexpr int s2 = 2;
    static constexpr int s3 = 3;
    static constexpr int s4 = 4;
    static constexpr int s5 = 5;
    static constexpr int s6 = 6;
    static constexpr int s7 = 7;
    static constexpr int s8 = 8;
    static constexpr int s9 = 9;
    static constexpr int sA = 10;
    static constexpr int sB = 11;
    static constexpr int sC = 12;
    static constexpr int sD = 13;
    static constexpr int sE = 14;
    static constexpr int sF = 15;


template <typename dataT, int numElements>
class vec;



explicit constexpr vec(const DataT& arg);

template <typename... ArgTN> constexpr vec(const ArgTN&... args);

constexpr vec(const vec<DataT, NumElements>& rhs);

vec(vector_t nativeVector);

The first option default constructs a vector with element type DataT and with NumElements dimensions by default construction of each of its elements. The second option is by setting each value to arg by assignment. Other options are to construct a SYCL sycl::vec instance from any combination of scalar and SYCL sycl::vec parameters of the same element type or copy from another similar vector.

Member functions#


operator vector_t() const

Available only when: compiled for the device.

Converts this SYCL sycl::vec instance to the underlying backend-native vector type defined by vector_t.


operator DataT() const

Available only when: NumElements == 1.

Converts this SYCL sycl::vec instance to an instance of DataT with the value of the single element in this SYCL sycl::vec instance.

The SYCL sycl::vec instance shall be implicitly convertible to the same data types, to which DataT is implicitly convertible. Note that conversion operator shall not be templated to allow standard conversion sequence for implicit conversion.


static constexpr size_t size() noexcept

Returns the number of elements of this SYCL sycl::vec.


size_t get_count() const

Returns the same value as sycl::size(). Deprecated.


static constexpr size_t byte_size() noexcept

Returns the size of this SYCL sycl::vec in bytes.

3-element vector size matches 4-element vector size to provide interoperability with OpenCL vector types. The same rule applies to vector alignment as described in SYCL Specification Section


size_t sycl::get_size() const

Returns the same value as byte_size(). Deprecated.


template <typename ConvertT,
          sycl::rounding_mode RoundingMode = sycl::rounding_mode::automatic>
sycl::vec<ConvertT, NumElements> convert() const

Converts this SYCL sycl::vec to a SYCL sycl::vec of a different element type specified by ConvertT using the rounding mode specified by RoundingMode. The new SYCL sycl::vec type must have the same number of elements as this SYCL sycl::vec.


template <typename asT> asT as() const

Bitwise reinterprets this SYCL sycl::vec as a SYCL sycl::vec of a different element type and number of elements specified by asT. The new SYCL sycl::vec type must have the same storage size in bytes as this SYCL sycl::vec, and the size of the elements in the new SYCL vec (NumElements * sizeof(DataT)) must be the same as the size of the elements in this SYCL sycl::vec.


template <int... swizzleIndexes>
__swizzled_vec__ swizzle() const

Return an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section

swizzle access#

__swizzled_vec__ XYZW_ACCESS() const

Available only when: NumElements <= 4.

Returns an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section

Where XYZW_ACCESS is: x for NumElements == 1, x, y for NumElements == 2, x, y, z for NumElements == 3 and x, y, z, w for NumElements == 4.

__swizzled_vec__ RGBA_ACCESS() const

Available only when: NumElements == 4.

Returns an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section

Where RGBA_ACCESS is: r, g, b, a.

__swizzled_vec__ INDEX_ACCESS() const

Returns an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section

Where INDEX_ACCESS is: s0 for NumElements == 1, s0, s1 for NumElements == 2, s0, s1, s2 for NumElements == 3, s0, s1, s2, s3 for NumElements == 4, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8 for NumElements == 8 and s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, sA, sB, sC, sD, sE, sF for NumElements == 16.

__swizzled_vec__ XYZW_SWIZZLE() const

Available only when: NumElements <= 4, and when the macro SYCL_SIMPLE_SWIZZLES is defined before including <sycl/sycl.hpp>.

Returns an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section

Where XYZW_SWIZZLE is all permutations with repetition, of any subset with length greater than 1, of x, y for NumElements == 2, x, y, z for NumElements == 3 and x, y, z, w for NumElements == 4. For example a four element sycl::vec provides permutations including xzyw, xyyy and xz.

__swizzled_vec__ XYZW_SWIZZLE() const

Available only when: NumElements == 4, and when the macro SYCL_SIMPLE_SWIZZLES is defined before including <sycl/sycl.hpp>.

Returns an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section

Where RGBA_SWIZZLE is all permutations with repetition, of any subset with length greater than 1, of r, g, b, a. For example a four element sycl::vec provides permutations including rbga, rggg and rb.


__swizzled_vec__ lo() const

Available only when: NumElements > 1.

Return an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence made up of the lower half of this SYCL sycl::vec which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section When NumElements == 3, this SYCL sycl::vec is treated as though NumElements == 4 with the fourth element undefined.


__swizzled_vec__ hi() const

Available only when: NumElements > 1.

Return an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence made up of the upper half of this SYCL sycl::vec which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section When NumElements == 3, this SYCL sycl::vec is treated as though NumElements == 4 with the fourth element undefined.


__swizzled_vec__ odd() const

Available only when: NumElements > 1.

Return an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence made up of the odd indexes of this SYCL sycl::vec which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section When NumElements == 3, this SYCL sycl::vec is treated as though NumElements == 4 with the fourth element undefined.


__swizzled_vec__ even() const

Available only when: NumElements > 1.

Return an instance of the implementation-defined intermediate class template __swizzled_vec__ representing an index sequence made up of the even indexes of this SYCL sycl::vec which can be used to apply the swizzle in a valid expression as described in SYCL Specification Section When NumElements == 3, this SYCL sycl::vec is treated as though NumElements == 4 with the fourth element undefined.


template <sycl::access::address_space AddressSpace, sycl::access::decorated IsDecorated>
void load(size_t offset, sycl::multi_ptr<const DataT, AddressSpace, IsDecorated> ptr)

Loads the values at the address of ptr offset in elements of type DataT by NumElements * offset, into the components of this SYCL sycl::vec.


template <sycl::access::address_space AddressSpace, sycl::access::decorated IsDecorated>
void store(size_t offset, sycl::multi_ptr<DataT, AddressSpace, IsDecorated> ptr) const

Stores the components of this SYCL sycl::vec into the values at the address of ptr offset in elements of type DataT by NumElements * offset.


DataT& operator[](int index)

Returns a reference to the element stored within this SYCL sycl::vec at the index specified by index.

const DataT& operator[](int index) const

Returns a const reference to the element stored within this SYCL sycl::vec at the index specified by index.


sycl::vec& operator=(const sycl::vec& rhs)

Assign each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec to each element of this SYCL sycl::vec and return a reference to this SYCL sycl::vec.

sycl::vec& sycl::operator=(const DataT& rhs)

Assign each element of the rhs scalar to each element of this SYCL sycl::vec and return a reference to this SYCL sycl::vec.

Hidden friend functions#


sycl::vec operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

If OP is %, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as lhs vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP arithmetic operation between each element of lhs vec and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec.

Where OP is: +, -, *, /, %.

sycl::vec operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

If OP is %, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as lhs vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP arithmetic operation between each element of lhs vec and the rhs scalar.

Where OP is: +, -, *, /, %.

sycl::vec& operatorOP(sycl::vec& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

If OP is %=, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP arithmetic operation between each element of lhs vec and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec and return lhs vec.

Where OP is: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=.

sycl::vec& operatorOP(sycl::vec& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

If OP is %=, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP arithmetic operation between each element of lhs vec and rhs scalar and return lhs vec.

Where OP is: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=.

sycl::vec& operatorOP(sycl::vec& v);

Available only when: DataT != bool.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP prefix arithmetic operation on each element of lhs vec, assigning the result of each element to the corresponding element of lhs vec and return lhs vec.

Where OP is: ++, --.

sycl::vec operatorOP(sycl::vec& v, int);

Available only when: DataT != bool.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP prefix arithmetic operation on each element of lhs vec, assigning the result of each element to the corresponding element of lhs vec and returns a copy of lhs vec before the operation is performed.

Where OP is: ++, --.

sycl::vec operatorOP(const sycl::vec& v);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as this SYCL sycl::vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP unary arithmetic operation on each element of this SYCL sycl::vec.

Where OP is: +, -.

sycl::vec operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as lhs vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP bitwise operation between each element of lhs vec and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec.

Where OP is: &, |, ^.

sycl::vec operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as lhs vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP bitwise operation between each element of lhs vec and the rhs scalar.

Where OP is: &, |, ^.

sycl::vec& operatorOP(sycl::vec& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP bitwise operation between each element of lhs vec and the rhs SYCL sycl::vec and return lhs vec.

Where OP is: &=, |=, ^=.

sycl::vec& operatorOP(sycl::vec& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP bitwise operation between each element of lhs vec and the rhs scalar and return a lhs vec.

Where OP is: &=, |=, ^=.

sycl::vec<RET, NumElements> operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as lhs vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP logical operation between each element of lhs vec and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec.

The DataT template parameter of the constructed SYCL sycl::vec, RET, varies depending on the DataT template parameter of this SYCL sycl::vec. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int8_t or uint8_t RET must be int8_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int16_t, uint16_t or half RET must be int16_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int32_t, uint32_t or float RET must be int32_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int64_t, uint64_t or double RET must be int64_t.

Where OP is: &&, ||.

sycl::vec<RET, NumElements> operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as this SYCL sycl::vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP logical operation between each element of lhs vec and the rhs scalar.

The DataT template parameter of the constructed SYCL sycl::vec, RET, varies depending on the DataT template parameter of this SYCL sycl::vec. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int8_t or uint8_t RET must be int8_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int16_t, uint16_t or half RET must be int16_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int32_t, uint32_t or float RET must be int32_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int64_t, uint64_t or double RET must be int64_t.

Where OP is: &&, ||.

sycl::vec operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as lhs vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP bitshift operation between each element of lhs vec and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec. If OP is >>, DataT is a signed type and lhs vec has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is:<<, >>.

sycl::vec operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as lhs vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP bitshift operation between each element of lhs vec and the rhs scalar. If OP is >>, DataT is a signed type and lhs vec has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is:<<, >>.

sycl::vec& operatorOP(sycl::vec& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP bitshift operation between each element of lhs vec and the rhs SYCL sycl::vec and returns lhs vec. If OP is >>=, DataT is a signed type and lhs vec has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is: <<=, >>=.

sycl::vec& operatorOP(sycl::vec& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Perform an in-place element-wise OP bitshift operation between each element of lhs vec and the rhs scalar and returns a reference to this SYCL sycl::vec. If OP is >>=, DataT is a signed type and lhs vec has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is: <<=, >>=.

sycl::vec<RET, NumElements> operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the element type RET with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP relational operation between each element of lhs vec and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec. Each element of the SYCL sycl::vec that is returned must be -1 if the operation results in true and 0 if the operation results in false. The ==, <, >, <= and >= operations result in false if either the lhs element or the rhs element is a NaN. The != operation results in true if either the lhs element or the rhs element is a NaN.

The DataT template parameter of the constructed SYCL sycl::vec, RET, varies depending on the DataT template parameter of this SYCL sycl::vec. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int8_t or uint8_t RET must be int8_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int16_t, uint16_t or half RET must be int16_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int32_t, uint32_t or float RET must be int32_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int64_t, uint64_t or double RET must be uint64_t.

Where OP is: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=.

sycl::vec<RET, NumElements> operatorOP(const sycl::vec& lhs, const DataT& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as this SYCL sycl::vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP logical operation between each element of lhs vec and the rhs scalar.

The DataT template parameter of the constructed SYCL sycl::vec, RET, varies depending on the DataT template parameter of this SYCL sycl::vec. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int8_t or uint8_t RET must be int8_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int16_t, uint16_t or half RET must be int16_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int32_t, uint32_t or float RET must be int32_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int64_t, uint64_t or double RET must be uint64_t.

sycl::vec operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

If OP is %, available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as the rhs SYCL sycl::vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP arithmetic operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec.

Where OP is: +, -, *, /, %.

sycl::vec operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as the rhs SYCL sycl::vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP bitwise operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec.

Where OP is: &, |, ^.

sycl::vec<RET, NumElements> operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as the rhs SYCL sycl::vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP logical operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec.

The DataT template parameter of the constructed SYCL sycl::vec, RET, varies depending on the DataT template parameter of this SYCL sycl::vec. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int8_t or uint8_t RET must be int8_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int16_t, uint16_t or half RET must be int16_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int32_t, uint32_t or float RET must be int32_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int64_t, uint64_t or double RET must be int64_t.

Where OP is: &&, ||.

sycl::vec operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as the rhs SYCL sycl::vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP bitshift operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec. If OP is >>, DataT is a signed type and this SYCL sycl::vec has a negative value any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 1, otherwise any vacated bits viewed as an unsigned integer must be assigned the value 0.

Where OP is: <<, >>.

sycl::vec<RET, NumElements> operatorOP(const DataT& lhs, const sycl::vec& rhs);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the element type RET with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP relational operation between the lhs scalar and each element of the rhs SYCL sycl::vec. Each element of the SYCL sycl::vec that is returned must be -1 if the operation results in true and 0 if the operation results in false. The ==, <, >, <= and >= operations result in false if either the lhs or the rhs element is a NaN. The != operation results in true if either the lhs or the rhs element is a NaN.

The DataT template parameter of the constructed SYCL sycl::vec, RET, varies depending on the DataT template parameter of this SYCL sycl::vec. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int8_t or uint8_t RET must be int8_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int16_t, uint16_t or half RET must be int16_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int32_t, uint32_t or float RET must be int32_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int64_t, uint64_t or double RET must be int64_t.

Where OP is: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=.

sycl::vec& operator~(const sycl::vec& v);

Available only when: DataT != float && DataT != double && DataT != half.

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as v vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP bitwise operation on each element of v vec.

sycl::vec<RET, NumElements> operator!(const sycl::vec& v);

Construct a new instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template with the same template parameters as v vec with each element of the new SYCL sycl::vec instance the result of an element-wise OP logical operation on each element of v vec. Each element of the SYCL sycl::vec that is returned must be -1 if the operation results in true and 0 if the operation results in false or this SYCL sycl::vec is a NaN.

The DataT template parameter of the constructed SYCL sycl::vec, RET, varies depending on the DataT template parameter of this SYCL sycl::vec. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int8_t or uint8_t RET must be int8_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int16_t, uint16_t or half RET must be int16_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int32_t, uint32_t or float RET must be int32_t. For a SYCL sycl::vec with DataT of type int64_t, uint64_t or double RET must be int64_t.


The SYCL programming API provides all permutations of the type alias:

using <type><elems> = vec<<storage-type>, <elems>>

where <elems> is 2, 3, 4, 8 and 16, and pairings of <type> and <storage-type> for integral types are char and int8_t, uchar and uint8_t, short and int16_t, ushort and uint16_t, int and int32_t, uint and uint32_t, long and int64_t, ulong and uint64_t, and for floating point types are both half, float and double.

For example uint4 is the alias to vec<uint32_t, 4> and float16 is the alias to vec<float, 16>.


Swizzle operations can be performed in two ways. Firstly by calling the swizzle member function template, which takes a variadic number of integer template arguments between 0 and NumElements-1, specifying swizzle indexes. Secondly by calling one of the simple swizzle member functions defined as XYZW_SWIZZLE and RGBA_SWIZZLE. Note that the simple swizzle functions are only available for up to 4 element vectors and are only available when the macro SYCL_SIMPLE_SWIZZLES is defined before including <sycl/sycl.hpp>.

In both cases the return type is always an instance of __swizzled_vec__, an implementation-defined temporary class representing the result of the swizzle operation on the original sycl::vec instance. Since the swizzle operation may result in a different number of elements, the __swizzled_vec__ instance may represent a different number of elements than the original sycl::vec. Both kinds of swizzle member functions must not perform the swizzle operation themselves, instead the swizzle operation must be performed by the returned instance of __swizzled_vec__ when used within an expression, meaning if the returned __swizzled_vec__ is never used in an expression no swizzle operation is performed.

Both the swizzle member function template and the simple swizzle member functions allow swizzle indexes to be repeated.

A series of static constexpr values are provided within the elem struct to allow specifying named swizzle indexes when calling the swizzle member function template.

Swizzled sycl::vec class#

The __swizzled_vec__ class must define an unspecified temporary which provides the entire interface of the SYCL sycl::vec class template, including swizzled member functions, with the additions and alterations described below. The member functions of the __swizzled_vec__ class behave as though they operate on a sycl::vec that is the result of the swizzle operation.

The __swizzled_vec__ class template must be readable as an r-value reference on the RHS of an expression. In this case the swizzle operation is performed on the RHS of the expression and then the result is applied to the LHS of the expression.

The __swizzled_vec__ class template must be assignable as an l-value reference on the LHS of an expression. In this case the RHS of the expression is applied to the original SYCL sycl::vec which the __swizzled_vec__ represents via the swizzle operation. Note that a __swizzled_vec__ that is used in an l-value expression may not contain any repeated element indexes.

For example: f4.xxxx() = fx.wzyx() would not be valid.

The __swizzled_vec__ class template must be convertible to an instance of SYCL sycl::vec with the type DataT and number of elements specified by the swizzle member function, if NumElements > 1, and must be convertible to an instance of type DataT, if NumElements == 1.

The __swizzled_vec__ class template must be non-copyable, non-moveable, non-user constructible and may not be bound to a l-value or escape the expression it was constructed in. For example auto x = f4.x() would not be valid.

The __swizzled_vec__ class template should return __swizzled_vec__& for each operator inherited from the sycl::vec class template interface which would return vec<DataT, NumElements>&.

Rounding modes#


Default rounding mode for the SYCL sycl::vec class element type. rtz (round toward zero) for integer types and rte (round to nearest even) for floating-point types.


Round to nearest even.


Round toward zero.


Round toward positive infinity.


Round toward negative infinity.

Memory layout and alignment#

The elements of an instance of the SYCL sycl::vec class template are stored in memory sequentially and contiguously and are aligned to the size of the element type in bytes multiplied by the number of elements:


The exception to this is when the number of element is three in which case the SYCL sycl::vec is aligned to the size of the element type in bytes multiplied by four:


This is true for both host and device code in order to allow for instances of the sycl::vec class template to be passed to SYCL kernel functions.

In no case, however, is the alignment guaranteed to be greater than 64 bytes.


The alignment guarantee is limited to 64 bytes because some host compilers (e.g. on Microsoft Windows) limit the maximum alignment of function parameters to this value.