
The classes sycl::unsampled_image and sycl::sampled_image define shared image data of one, two or three dimensions, that can be used by kernels in queues and have to be accessed using the image accessor classes.

The allocator template parameter of the sycl::unsampled_image and sycl::sampled_image classes can be any allocator type including a custom allocator, however it must allocate in units of std::byte.

For any image that is constructed with the range (r1,r2,r3) with an element type size in bytes of s, the image row pitch and image slice pitch should be calculated as follows:

  • Row pitch: r1s

  • Image slice pitch: r1r2s

The SYCL sycl::unsampled_image and sycl::sampled_image class templates provide the Common Reference Semantics.

See also

SYCL Specification Section 4.7.3


template <int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
class unsampled_image;

The sycl::unsampled_image class template takes a template parameter AllocatorT for specifying an allocator which is used by the SYCL runtime when allocating temporary memory on the host. If no template argument is provided, the default allocator for the SYCL sycl::unsampled_image class sycl::image_allocator is used (see Host allocations).


Each constructor of the sycl::unsampled_image takes an sycl::image_format to describe the data layout of the image data.

Each constructor additionally takes as the last parameter an optional sycl::property_list to provide properties to the sycl::unsampled_image.

Constructors 1-2

unsampled_image(sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

unsampled_image(sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                AllocatorT allocator,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

Construct a sycl::unsampled_image instance with uninitialized memory.

When provided the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will use the allocator parameter provided when allocating memory on the host, otherwise it will use a default constructed AllocatorT.

The element size of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.

The pitch of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will be the default size determined by the SYCL runtime.

Unless the member function set_final_data() is called with a valid non-null pointer, there will be no write back on destruction.

Constructors 3-4

unsampled_image(sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions - 1>& pitch,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

unsampled_image(sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions - 1>& pitch,
                AllocatorT allocator,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

Available only when: Dimensions > 1.

Construct a sycl::unsampled_image instance with uninitialized memory.

When provided the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will use the allocator parameter provided when allocating memory on the host, otherwise it will use a default constructed AllocatorT.

The element size of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.

Unless the member function set_final_data() is called with a valid non-null pointer, there will be no write back on destruction.

Constructors 5-6

unsampled_image(void* hostPointer,
                sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

unsampled_image(void* hostPointer,
                sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                AllocatorT allocator,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

Construct a sycl::unsampled_image instance with the hostPointer parameter provided. The sycl::unsampled_image assumes exclusive access to this memory for the duration of its lifetime.

When provided the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will use the allocator parameter provided when allocating memory on the host, otherwise it will use a default constructed AllocatorT.

The element size of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.

The pitch of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will be the default size determined by the SYCL runtime.

Unless the member function set_final_data() is called with a valid non-null pointer, any memory allocated by the SYCL runtime is written back to hostPointer.

Constructors 7-8

unsampled_image(void* hostPointer,
                sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions - 1>& pitch,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

unsampled_image(void* hostPointer,
                sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions - 1>& pitch,
                AllocatorT allocator,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

Available only when: Dimensions > 1.

Construct a sycl::unsampled_image instance with the hostPointer parameter provided. The sycl::unsampled_image assumes exclusive access to this memory for the duration of its lifetime.

When provided the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will use the allocator parameter provided when allocating memory on the host, otherwise it will use a default constructed AllocatorT.

The element size of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.

Unless the member function set_final_data() is called with a valid non-null pointer, any memory allocated by the SYCL runtime is written back to hostPointer.

Constructors 9-10

unsampled_image(std::shared_ptr<void>& hostPointer,
                sycl::image_format format,
                const range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                const property_list& propList = {})

unsampled_image(std::shared_ptr<void>& hostPointer,
                sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                AllocatorT allocator,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {})

When hostPointer is not empty, construct a sycl::unsampled_image with the contents of its stored pointer. The sycl::unsampled_image assumes exclusive access to this memory for the duration of its lifetime.

The sycl::unsampled_image also creates its own internal copy of the std::shared_ptr that shares ownership of the hostData memory, which means the application can safely release ownership of this std::shared_ptr when the constructor returns.

When hostPointer is empty, construct a sycl::unsampled_image with uninitialized memory.

When provided the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will use the allocator parameter provided when allocating memory on the host, otherwise it will use a default constructed AllocatorT.

The element size of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.

The pitch of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will be the default size determined by the SYCL runtime.

Unless the member function set_final_data() is called with a valid non-null pointer, any memory allocated by the SYCL runtime is written back to hostPointer.

Constructors 11-12

unsampled_image(std::shared_ptr<void>& hostPointer,
                sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions - 1>& pitch,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {})

unsampled_image(std::shared_ptr<void>& hostPointer,
                sycl::image_format format,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
                const sycl::range<Dimensions - 1>& pitch,
                AllocatorT allocator,
                const sycl::property_list& propList = {})

When hostPointer is not empty, construct a sycl::unsampled_image with the contents of its stored pointer. The sycl::unsampled_image assumes exclusive access to this memory for the duration of its lifetime.

The sycl::unsampled_image also creates its own internal copy of the std::shared_ptr that shares ownership of the hostData memory, which means the application can safely release ownership of this std::shared_ptr when the constructor returns.

When hostPointer is empty, construct a sycl::unsampled_image with uninitialized memory.

When provided the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will use the allocator parameter provided when allocating memory on the host, otherwise it will use a default constructed AllocatorT.

The element size of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.

Unless the member function set_final_data() is called with a valid non-null pointer, any memory allocated by the SYCL runtime is written back to hostPointer.



Pointer to host memory to hold data.


sycl::image_format that describe layout of the image.


The range of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image.


The pitch of the constructed sycl::unsampled_image.


Allocator for the buffer data. In case this parameter is absent, the sycl::unsampled_image will use a default constructed AllocatorT when allocating memory on the host.


See Image properties.

Member functions#


sycl::range<Dimensions> get_range() const;

Return a sycl::range object representing the size of the image in terms of the number of elements in each dimension as passed to the constructor.


sycl::range<Dimensions - 1> get_pitch() const;

Available only when: Dimensions > 1.

Return a range object representing the pitch of the image in bytes.


size_t size() const noexcept;

Returns the total number of elements in the image.

Equal to get_range()[0] * ... * get_range()[Dimensions-1].


size_t byte_size() const noexcept;

Returns the size of the image storage in bytes.

The number of bytes may be greater than size()*<element size> due to padding of elements, rows and slices of the image for efficient access.


AllocatorT get_allocator() const;

Returns the allocator provided to the image.


template <typename DataT,
          sycl::access_mode Mode = (std::is_const_v<DataT>
                                        ? sycl::access_mode::read
                                        : sycl::access_mode::read_write),
          sycl::image_target Targ = sycl::image_target::device>
sycl::unsampled_image_accessor<DataT, Dimensions, Mode, Targ>
get_access(sycl::handler& commandGroupHandler);

Returns a valid sycl::unsampled_image_accessor to the unsampled image with the specified data type, access mode and target in the command group.


template <typename DataT,
          sycl::access_mode Mode = (std::is_const_v<DataT>
                                            ? sycl::access_mode::read
                                            : sycl::access_mode::read_write)>
sycl::host_unsampled_image_accessor<DataT, Dimensions, Mode> get_host_access();

Returns a valid sycl::host_unsampled_image_accessor to the unsampled image with the specified data type and access mode.


template <typename Destination = std::nullptr_t>
void set_final_data(Destination finalData = nullptr)

The finalData point to where the output of all the image processing is going to be copied to at destruction time, if the image was involved with a write accessor.

Destination can be either an output iterator, or a std::weak_ptr<T>.


A raw pointer is a special case of output iterator and thus defines the host memory to which the result is to be copied.

In the case of a weak pointer, the output is not copied if the weak pointer has expired.

If Destination is std::nullptr_t, then the copy back will not happen.


void set_write_back(bool flag = true);

This member function allows dynamically forcing or canceling the write-back of the data of an image on destruction according to the value of flag.

Forcing the write-back is similar to what happens during a normal write-back.

If there is nowhere to write-back, using this function does not have any effect.


template <int Dimensions = 1, typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
class sampled_image;


Each constructor of the sycl::sampled_image class requires a pointer to the host data the image will sample, an sycl::image_format to describe the data layout and an sycl::image_sampler to describe how to sample the image data.

Each constructor additionally takes as the last parameter an optional SYCL property_list to provide properties to the sycl::sampled_image.

Constructor 1

sampled_image(const void* hostPointer,
              sycl::image_format format,
              sycl::image_sampler sampler,
              const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
              const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

Construct a sycl::sampled_image instance with the hostPointer parameter provided.

The sycl::sampled_image assumes exclusive access to this memory for the duration of its lifetime.

The host address is const, so the host accesses must be read-only. Since, the hostPointer is const, this image is only initialized with this memory and there is no write after its destruction.

The element size of the constructed sycl::sampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.

The pitch of the constructed sycl::sampled_image will be the default size determined by the SYCL runtime.

Constructor 2

sampled_image(const void* hostPointer,
              sycl::image_format format,
              sycl::image_sampler sampler,
              const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
              const sycl::range<Dimensions - 1>& pitch,
              const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

Available only when: Dimensions > 1.

Construct a sycl::sampled_image instance with the hostPointer parameter provided.

The sycl::sampled_image assumes exclusive access to this memory for the duration of its lifetime.

The host address is const, so the host accesses must be read-only. Since, the hostPointer is const, this image is only initialized with this memory and there is no write after its destruction.

The element size of the constructed sycl::sampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.

Constructor 3

sampled_image(std::shared_ptr<const void>& hostPointer,
              sycl::image_format format,
              sycl::image_sampler sampler,
              const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
              const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

When hostPointer is not empty, construct a sycl::sampled_image with the contents of its stored pointer.

The sycl::sampled_image assumes exclusive access to this memory for the duration of its lifetime. The sycl::sampled_image also creates its own internal copy of the std::shared_ptr that shares ownership of the hostData memory, which means the application can safely release ownership of this std::shared_ptr when the constructor returns.

When hostPointer is empty, construct a SYCL sycl::sampled_image with uninitialized memory.

The host address is const, so the host accesses must be read-only. Since, the hostPointer is const, this image is only initialized with this memory and there is no write after its destruction.

The element size of the constructed sycl::sampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.

The pitch of the constructed sycl::sampled_image will be the default size determined by the SYCL runtime.

Constructor 4

sampled_image(std::shared_ptr<const void>& hostPointer,
              sycl::image_format format,
              sycl::image_sampler sampler,
              const sycl::range<Dimensions>& rangeRef,
              const sycl::range<Dimensions - 1>& pitch,
              const sycl::property_list& propList = {});

Available only when: Dimensions > 1.

When hostPointer is not empty, construct a sycl::sampled_image with the contents of its stored pointer.

The sycl::sampled_image assumes exclusive access to this memory for the duration of its lifetime. The sycl::sampled_image also creates its own internal copy of the std::shared_ptr that shares ownership of the hostData memory, which means the application can safely release ownership of this std::shared_ptr when the constructor returns.

When hostPointer is empty, construct a SYCL sycl::sampled_image with uninitialized memory.

The host address is const, so the host accesses must be read-only. Since, the hostPointer is const, this image is only initialized with this memory and there is no write after its destruction.

The element size of the constructed sycl::sampled_image will be derived from the format parameter.



Pointer to host memory to hold data.


sycl::image_format that describe layout of the image.


sycl::image_sampler that will be used by the accessors to sample the image.


The range of the constructed sycl::sampled_image.


The pitch of the constructed sycl::sampled_image.


See Image properties.

Member functions#


sycl::range<Dimensions> get_range() const;

Return a sycl::range object representing the size of the image in terms of the number of elements in each dimension as passed to the constructor.


sycl::range<Dimensions - 1> get_pitch() const;

Available only when: Dimensions > 1.

Return a range object representing the pitch of the image in bytes.


size_t size() const noexcept;

Returns the total number of elements in the image.

Equal to get_range()[0] * ... * get_range()[Dimensions-1].


size_t byte_size() const noexcept;

Returns the size of the image storage in bytes.

The number of bytes may be greater than size()*<element size> due to padding of elements, rows and slices of the image for efficient access.


template <typename DataT, sycl::image_target Targ = sycl::image_target::device>
sycl::sampled_image_accessor<DataT, Dimensions, Targ>
get_access(sycl::handler& commandGroupHandler);

Returns a valid sycl::sampled_image_accessor to the sampled image with the specified data type and target in the command group.


template <typename DataT>
sycl::host_sampled_image_accessor<DataT, Dimensions> get_host_access();

Returns a valid sycl::host_sampled_image_accessor to the sampled image with the specified data type in the command group.


Class sycl::image_format is used in the sycl::unsampled_image and sycl::sampled_image constructors to describe the data layout of the image data.

namespace sycl {

enum class image_format : /* unspecified */ {

} // namespace sycl


Where relevant, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the format of the data matches the format described by the sycl::image_format.

Image properties#

The properties that can be provided when constructing the sycl::unsampled_image and sycl::sampled_image classes via sycl::property_list.

namespace sycl::property {

namespace image {

class use_host_ptr;

class use_mutex;

class context_bound;

} // namespace image

} // namespace sycl::property


namespace sycl::property::image {

class use_host_ptr {
  use_host_ptr() = default;

} // namespace sycl::property::image

The sycl::property::image::use_host_ptr property adds the requirement that the SYCL runtime must not allocate any memory for the image and instead uses the provided host pointer directly.

This prevents the SYCL runtime from allocating additional temporary storage on the host.



Constructs a sycl::property::image::use_host_ptr property instance.


namespace sycl::property::image {

class use_mutex {
  use_mutex(std::mutex& mutexRef);

  std::mutex* get_mutex_ptr() const;

} // namespace sycl::property::image

The property adds the requirement that the memory which is owned by the SYCL image can be shared with the application via a std::mutex provided to the property.

The std::mutex is locked by the runtime whenever the data is in use and unlocked otherwise.

Data is synchronized with hostData, when the std::mutex is unlocked by the runtime.


sycl::property::image::use_mutex::use_mutex(std::mutex& mutexRef);

Constructs a sycl::property::image::use_mutex property instance with a reference to mutexRef parameter provided.


std::mutex* sycl::property::image::use_mutex::get_mutex_ptr() const;

Returns the std::mutex which was specified when constructing this sycl::property::image::use_mutex property.


namespace sycl::property::image {

class context_bound {
  context_bound(context boundContext);

  context get_context() const;

} // namespace sycl::property::image

The sycl::property::image::context_bound property adds the requirement that the sycl::image can only be associated with a single sycl::context that is provided to the property.


sycl::property::image::context_bound(sycl::context boundContext);

Constructs a sycl::property::image::context_bound property instance with a copy of a sycl::context.


sycl::context sycl::property::image::context_bound::get_context() const;

Returns the sycl::context which was specified when constructing this sycl::property::image::context_bound property.

Image synchronization rules#

The rules are similar to those described in Buffer synchronization rules.

For the lifetime of the image object, the associated host memory must be left available to the SYCL runtime and the contents of the associated host memory is unspecified until the image object is destroyed. If an image object value is copied, then only a reference to the underlying image object is copied. The underlying image object is reference-counted. Only after all image value references to the underlying image object have been destroyed is the actual image object itself destroyed.

If an image object is constructed with associated host memory, then its destructor blocks until all operations in all SYCL queues on that image object have completed. Any modifications to the image data will be copied back, if necessary, to the associated host memory. Any errors occurring during destruction are reported to any associated context's asynchronous error handler.

If an image object is constructed with a storage object, then the storage object defines what synchronization or copying behavior occurs on image object destruction.