Backend interoperability

Backend interoperability#

Many of the SYCL runtime classes may be implemented such that they encapsulate an object unique to the SYCL backend that underpins the functionality of that class. Where appropriate, these classes may provide an interface for interoperating between the SYCL runtime object and the native backend object in order to support interoperability within an application between SYCL and the associated SYCL backend API.

There are three forms of interoperability with SYCL runtime classes: interoperability on the SYCL application with the SYCL backend API, interoperability within a SYCL kernel function with the equivalent kernel language types of the SYCL backend, and interoperability within a host task with the sycl::interop_handle.

SYCL application interoperability, SYCL kernel function interoperability and host task interoperability are provided via different interfaces and may have different behavior for the same SYCL object.

SYCL application interoperability may be provided for sycl::buffer, sycl::context, sycl::device, sycl::device_image, sycl::event, sycl::kernel, sycl::kernel_bundle, sycl::platform, sycl::queue, sycl::sampled_image, and sycl::unsampled_image.

SYCL kernel function interoperability may be provided for sycl::accessor, sycl::device_event, sycl::local_accessor, sycl::sampled_image_accessor, sycl::stream and sycl::unsampled_image_accessor inside kernel scope only and is not available outside of that scope.

Host task interoperability may be provided for sycl::accessor, sycl::sampled_image_accessor, sycl::unsampled_image_accessor, sycl::queue, sycl::device, sycl::context inside the scope of a host task only.

See also

SYCL Specification Section 4.5.1


namespace sycl {

template <backend Backend> class backend_traits {
  template <class T> using input_type = /* see below */;

  template <class T> using return_type = /* see below */;

template <backend Backend, typename SyclType>
using backend_input_t =
    typename backend_traits<Backend>::template input_type<SyclType>;

template <backend Backend, typename SyclType>
using backend_return_t =
    typename backend_traits<Backend>::template return_type<SyclType>;

} // namespace sycl

A series of type traits are provided for SYCL backend interoperability, defined in the sycl::backend_traits class.

A specialization of sycl::backend_traits must be provided for each named SYCL backend enumerated in the enum class backend that is available at compile time.

The type alias sycl::backend_input_t is provided to enable less verbose access to the input_type type within sycl::backend_traits for a specific SYCL object of type T. The type alias sycl::backend_return_t is provided to enable less verbose access to the return_type type within sycl::backend_traits for a specific SYCL object of type T.

See also

SYCL Specification Section


namespace sycl {

template <backend Backend, class T>
backend_return_t<Backend, T> get_native(const T& syclObject);

} // namespace sycl

For each SYCL runtime class T which supports SYCL application interoperability, a specialization of sycl::get_native must be defined, which takes an instance of T and returns a SYCL application interoperability native backend object associated with syclObject which can be used for SYCL application interoperability. The lifetime of the object returned are backend-defined and specified in the backend specification.

For each SYCL runtime class T which supports kernel function interoperability, a specialization of sycl::get_native must be defined, which takes an instance of T and returns the kernel function interoperability native backend object associated with syclObject which can be used for kernel function interoperability. The availability and behavior of these template functions is defined by the SYCL backend specification document.

The sycl::get_native function must throw an sycl::exception with the sycl::errc::backend_mismatch error code if the backend of the SYCL object does not match the target backend.

See also

SYCL Specification Section


namespace sycl {

template <sycl::backend Backend>
sycl::platform make_platform(const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                                         sycl::platform>& backendObject);

template <sycl::backend Backend>
sycl::device make_device(const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                                     sycl::device>& backendObject);

template <sycl::backend Backend>
sycl::context make_context(const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                                 sycl::context>& backendObject,
                           const sycl::async_handler asyncHandler = {});

template <sycl::backend Backend>
queue make_queue(const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                       sycl::queue>& backendObject,
                 const sycl::context& targetContext,
                 const sycl::async_handler asyncHandler = {});

template <sycl::backend Backend>
event make_event(const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                             sycl::event>& backendObject,
                 const sycl::context& targetContext);

template <sycl::backend Backend, typename T, int Dimensions = 1,
          typename AllocatorT = sycl::buffer_allocator<std::remove_const_t<T>>>
sycl::buffer<T, Dimensions, AllocatorT>
make_buffer(const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                        sycl::buffer<T, Dimensions, AllocatorT>>& backendObject,
            const sycl::context& targetContext,
            sycl::event availableEvent);

template <sycl::backend Backend, typename T, int Dimensions = 1,
          typename AllocatorT = buffer_allocator<std::remove_const_t<T>>>
sycl::buffer<T, Dimensions, AllocatorT>
make_buffer(const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                        sycl::buffer<T, Dimensions, AllocatorT>>& backendObject,
            const sycl::context& targetContext);

template <sycl::backend Backend, int Dimensions = 1,
          typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::sampled_image<Dimensions, AllocatorT> make_sampled_image(
    const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                sycl::sampled_image<Dimensions, AllocatorT>>& backendObject,
    const sycl::context& targetContext,
    sycl::image_sampler imageSampler,
    sycl::event availableEvent);

template <sycl::backend Backend, int Dimensions = 1,
          typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::sampled_image<Dimensions, AllocatorT> make_sampled_image(
    const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                sycl::sampled_image<Dimensions, AllocatorT>>& backendObject,
    const sycl::context& targetContext,
    sycl::image_sampler imageSampler);

template <sycl::backend Backend, int Dimensions = 1,
          typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::unsampled_image<Dimensions, AllocatorT> make_unsampled_image(
    const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                sycl::unsampled_image<Dimensions, AllocatorT>>& backendObject,
    const sycl::context& targetContext,
    sycl::event availableEvent);

template <sycl::backend Backend, int Dimensions = 1,
          typename AllocatorT = sycl::image_allocator>
sycl::unsampled_image<Dimensions, AllocatorT> make_unsampled_image(
    const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                sycl::unsampled_image<Dimensions, AllocatorT>>& backendObject,
    const sycl::context& targetContext);

template <sycl::backend Backend, sycl::bundle_state State>
sycl::kernel_bundle<State> make_kernel_bundle(
    const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                sycl::kernel_bundle<State>>& backendObject,
    const sycl::context& targetContext);

template <sycl::backend Backend>
sycl::kernel make_kernel(const sycl::backend_input_t<Backend,
                                                     sycl::kernel>& backendObject,
                         const sycl::context& targetContext);

} // namespace sycl

For each SYCL runtime class T which supports SYCL application interoperability, a specialization of the appropriate template function sycl::make_{sycl_class} where {sycl_class} is the class name of T, must be defined, which takes a SYCL application interoperability native backend object and constructs and returns an instance of T. The availability and behavior of these template functions is defined by the SYCL backend specification document.

Overloads of the sycl::make_{sycl_class} function which take a SYCL sycl::context object as an argument must throw an sycl::exception with the sycl::errc::backend_mismatch error code if the backend of the provided SYCL context does not match the target backend.